Pokemon Platinum - Legendaries Guide
Pokemon Platinum: Legendaries Guide version 1.01 by encore_1989 COPYRIGHT 2009 ENCORE_1989 Welcome to my 1st time ever making FAQS^^ This guide will completely leads you to enjoy/obtain all of the legendaries pokemon in Pokemon Platinum Version. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// / Table of Contents / //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /01. Version Y001 / /02. Pokemon Platinum In-Games Legendaries Y002 / /03. The Beast Within The Distortion World YG01 / /04. Legendaries Trios Uxie, Mesprit And Azelf YG02 / /05. Time&Space Owner: Dialga & Palkia YG03 / /06. Legendaries Birds From Kanto YG04 / /07. Lunar Wings at FullMoon Island YG05 / /08. Burning Stark Mountain YG06 / /09. The Secret of Old Chateau YG07 / /10. Conclusion Of This Site Y003 / /11. Event Legendaries Y004 / /12. Beneath the Snowpoint Temple YG08 / /13. The Prince of The Sea, Manaphy and Phione YG09 / /14. Nightmare To The Distand NewMoon Island YG10 / /15. Flower, Flower Paradise YG11 / /16. Almighty In Halls of Origin, Spear Pillar YG12 / /17. Legendaries Regis From Hoenn YG13 / /18. Conclusion Of This Site Y005 / /19. Closing Words Y006 / /20. Copyrights and Credits Y007 / /21. Email Y008 / //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ############################################################################## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version [Y001] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VERSION 1.00 This first version complete at 27th April 2009. VERSION 1.01 Correction of the error mistakes at YG03, finished at 5th May 2009. Addition information on how to catch Arceus. Addition information on how to catch Mesprit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ POKEMON PLATINUM IN-GAMES LEGENDARIES [Y002] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pokemon Platinum is the newest Pokemon games series released in 13th September 2008 in Japanese version, and 22th March 2009 for US version. This faq provides depth information about the legendaries which you can obtain through the Pokemon Platinum games. ############################################################################## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE BEAST WITHIN THE DISTORTION WORLD [YG01] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ As long as you follow the walkthrough, catching Giratina will be without a miss, This lovely main character of Pokemon Platinum Version stays at the brandly new place that is totally fresh from the previous pokemon games called DISTORTION WORLD. You will soon enter this place as long as you beat down the Galatic Admins Mars and Jupiter at the top of the Mt. Coronet, so called Spear Pillar. The madness bad guy Cyrus will use the Red Chain causing the both famous Sinnoh legendaries Palkia and Dialga appear at the top of Spear Pillar, trying to bring the mess upon Sinnoh, but then the legendaries trio will come over to save the day. Mesprit, Azelf and Uxie fly over Mt. Coronet and begin release their powers to calm down both Palkia and Dialga, classical pokemon scene^^ (P.S remember to stock up loads of Dusk Balls before you proceed this walkthrough in case you wanna catch the Legendary Giratina);p As soon as the incident finished, a black, dark seems no ending puddles appear at the floor. A creepy shadowy figure appears and come out from the ground, and guess who is? Giratina! After the cutscene, the screen will black out and when everything goes back to normal, a mysterious portal leads to Distortion World is right in front of you. The women who gaves you HM01, a Togepi Egg and Secret Potion, who helps through your journey this far, will come forward and leads you to the portal. Yes, after Cyrus, you and Cynthia along those legendaries trio will go into the Distortion World. ====================================================================== GIRATINA NATIONAL DEX NUMBER: *487 Renegade Pokemon ====================================================================== Throughout the distortion world, Uxie, Mesprit and Azelf will guide you to the most inner part of this freaky place. You will see Cyrus also inside the world and intends to swipe all of those things who blocks his way to change the world and blah blah blah, be ready to fight him, advices- He's tougher than before, and definitely will be difficult. After finish him off, forward your steps and get save and ready to engage GIRATINA. =====================----------------------------========================== GIRATINA ORIGIN FORME Location- DISTORTION WORLD Level 47 Type- Ghost/Dragon Sign. Move- Shadow Force Abilitiy- Pressure [Another Forme], Levitate [Origin Forme] =====================----------------------------========================== ************************************ Pokedex Info- It was banished for its violence. It silently gazed upon the old world from the Distortion World. ************************************ Giratina having the most different battle scene far from the others, because he has a unique appearance which fly down from above and battles you. Along with the top beat unique background music, slowly and surely leads you to the Climax of this Pokemon Platinum games. This time Giratina will appear in Origin Form so called (Origin Forme in your pokedex), Giratina Origin Form has increased offense level compares to his Another Forme which has high level defenses stat. Be ready to fight or capture this coolest legendary pokemon ever. Personally, his signature moves SHADOW FORCE is the one which I like the most, vanished in 1st round and strike back on the 2nd round, how cool it is! While others Super Moves needs to recharge, letting your enemies hits you while you recharge or restore, or even those will lower your stats points or blah blah blah, this Shadow Force with physical Attack Power 120 and 100% Accuracy surely be the best one of the Ghost moves. His weakness point is Ghost, Ice and Dark attacks, while most of the other moves only leads to not effective, makes us feel annoying on battles him and happily ever after catching him. XD Using the Dusk Balls will be the best to him, and for sure, you can try throw some Quick Balls in the 1st turn and you will get it if you are very lucky^^ Master ball is not worth for using here, since you still have a loads of legendaries to get, throwing dusk balls continuously after get his Hp down and, put him into SLEEP, FROZEN or PARAYLSIS will increase the catch rate for sure. I'm having a very bad dreams about catching this legendary because it's damn hard to catch and the worse part is, I didnt stocked the Dusk Balls enough, I only brings loads of Timer balls and Ultra Balls. I've restart almost 7 or 8 times before I get him. Shameful to said, even his moves PP runs out, I still don't get him to my balls, guess what he do? Struggles of course, and this stupid moves is hit with recoils, and he dies for sure because I've already putting his HP to critical condition!! I tried over and over and finally, he gets into my Timer Ball=.= Here's his moves when you caught him ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Move +Type +Category +Power +Accuracy+Base PP ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100% 5 Ancientpower Rock Physical 60 100% 5 Dragon Claw Dragon Physical 80 100% 15 Shadow Force Ghost Physical 120 100% 5 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ You will not get to see his Origin Forme after you leave the Distortion World, and Giratina will transform back into Another Forme, it requires Griseous Orb to transform to his Origin Forme at Sinnoh Area. the Griseous Orb will soon obtain after you beat down the Elite Four. Steps to get the Griseous Orb- ============================================================================= 1. Complete the walkthrough by beating down the Elite Four and Champion. 2. Obtain National Dex from Professor Oak by seeing all pokemon in SinnohDex. 3. Return to the Turnback Caves which you caught Giratina at version D/P located at the SENDOFF SPRING. 4. Head to the deeper part of the Turnback Caves and go in to the portal leads back to Distortion World. 5. The Griseous Orb is located at the end of the room. ============================================================================= Enjoy you Giratina^^ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEGENDARIES TRIOS: UXIE, MESPRIT and AZELF [YG02] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ These pokes are require to engage for obtaining the national dex, Here is some information of these lovely trios. ====================================================================== UXIE NATIONAL DEX NUMBER: *480 Knowledge Pokemon ====================================================================== Uxie are available to catch after the Distortion World events and talks to Professor Rowan. This one of the legendaries trio can be found in Lake Acuity near the Snowpoint City, you need HM Slave to Rock Climb and Surf to get into the Lake Acuity Cavern. Before you reach the cavern, be sure to stock up some pokeballs for sure. Uxie lies at the middle of the Acuity Cavern. =====================----------------------------=========================== UXIE Location- LAKE ACUITY CAVERN Level- 50 Type- Psychic Sign. Move- None Ability- Levitate =====================----------------------------=========================== ************************************ Pokedex Info- When UXIE flew, people gained the ability to solve problems. It was a birth of knowledge. ************************************ The background music of battling this legendaries trio is just nice to flow, Uxie has a move Yawn which can put your pokes into sleep after twice a turn, its quiet annoying though, but it doesn't cause any problems. Uxie has much stronger defense compare to the rest two of the trios, so don't mind hit it hard. Quick balls for 1st turn, see you whether lucky enough to get it, Dusk balls are useful when you engage it at night, status condition are require for sure, put it to sleep or paralysis makes things easier^^ Here's the moveset when you caught It ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Move +Type +Category +Power +Accuracy +Base PP ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Swift Normal Special 60 100% 20 Yawn Normal Other -- 100% 10 Future Sight Psychic Other 80 90% 15 Amnesia Psychic Other -- 100% 20 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ====================================================================== MESPRIT NATIONAL DEX NUMBER: *481 Emotion Pokemon ====================================================================== This lovey dovey Mesprit intends running with Cresselia. Yes, Mesprit is a running pokemon that you need to get your Poketch Mark Map app. standing by to hunt it down. Mesprit can be found in Lake Verity which located near your starter hometown, Twinleaf Town. Surf to the cavern and engage it, your pokedex will automatically recorded its data, count you have seen it and Mesprit will start runs along the map. =====================----------------------------=========================== MESPRIT Location- LAKE VERITY CAVERN Level- 50 Type- Psychic Sign. Move- None Ability- Levitate =====================----------------------------=========================== ************************************ Pokedex Info- When MESPRIT flew, people learned the joy and sadness of living. It was the birth of emotions. ************************************ This running Mesprit are freeway for you to catch it since you have already seen it, counted in Sinnoh Dex for the purpose of getting the National Dex, but if you hesitate to invites it join into your party, here's is some few tips I can advice. Get a pokemon with moves Mean Look or Block, which prevents pokemon running away from battles. Ghost type pokes got moves like this, etc. Gastly and Haunter will help out of this, Gengar with lvl 45-50 are the my choices to take down these running pokemons. Next, get some Super Repels or Max Repels, since ghost type pokemon will deal a lot of damages on Mesprit, it will take risk for One Hit KO it. Get a pokes with learned moves False Swipes is the efficient ways to drain its HP. If you are not have Mean Look on it when you encounter it, mostly it will run away after your pokes 1st move,(If your pokes are fast enough) lolx You need to chase it and slowly takes it HP out, of course you can put some status condition on it but DO REMEMBER, DO NOT BURNED OR POISONED it, since these status condition will always decrease its HP every once encountered, you are totally screw if these condition kills it before it goes to your balls. If you are satisfy enough for its status, get your pokes with Mean Look or Block moves at the 1st place in your party, and chase it again. Once engage, quickly use these moves to lock its way out, and start throwing pokeballs. DO remember that the pokemon who perform Mean Look or Block must not be switch out, once switch out, the moves will dispell and it will run away, for sure, screw it=.= Dusk Balls are good choice at night, because the catch rate of these running pokemons are low, you probably will end up throwing TONs of Dusk Balls or Ultra Balls, then, Timer Balls will come out useful. Be sure to save any progress to avoid things goes wrong=.= Of course you can always throw Quick Balls to it everytime you encounter, but most likely fail, unless you are lucky enough^^ Here's the moveset when you caught It ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Move +Type +Category +Power +Accuracy +Base PP ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Confusion Psychic Special 50 100% 25 Lucky Chant Normal Other -- 100% 30 Future Sight Psychic Other 80 90% 15 Charm Normal Other -- 100% 20 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ UPDATE: A reader named Jennifer Vengeance send this useful tips on how to catch Mesprit. Thanks Jenny^^ "The ability Arena Trap will not prevent Mesprit from fleeing, as Mesprit's Levitate ability nullifies the Arena Trap ability. Here are some good Pokemon in the Platinum Sinnoh PokeDex that can learn Mean Look and one with Block: Umbreon Level 57 Gastly/Haunter/Gengar Level 8 Duskull Level 38 Nosepass/Probopass Level 19 Umbreon's Sp.Def is high enough to withstand Mesprit's Swift, Gastly and Duskull take no damage from it, and Probopass takes VERY little damage from it. Especially if you're planning to use Umbreon or Nosepass/Probopass, you may want to Paraylze Mesprit first, let it run, and then hunt it down and trap it. In Pokemon Pearl, I used Jubilife and its surrounding routes to nab Mesprit. Hope this helps. :)" ====================================================================== AZELF NATIONAL DEX NUMBER: *482 Willpower Pokemon ====================================================================== Azelf lies ahead Lake Valor Cavern, which located at the middle of Route 214, 213 and 222. Remember the lake has been blewn up by Galatic Grunts nasty plot? Here it is, and when you come back after Distortion World, it fills with water again. You need some Dusk Balls too for letting it join your party. =====================----------------------------=========================== AZELF Location- LAKE VALOR CAVERN Level- 50 Type- Psychic Sign. Move- None Ability- Levitate =====================----------------------------=========================== ************************************ Pokedex Info- When AZELF flew, people gained the detemination to do things. It was the birth of willpower. ************************************ Azelf is the attackers among the trios, highly Special Attacks and Attack stats arms with NASTY Nasty Plot, which increase users Sp. Atk +2, Azelf can be tough and challenging to fight. I was totally screw up because of its Uproar, I can't put sleep on it, and all you need to do is usual things, take its HP to critical and put paralysis if you can. Remember this pokes can be harmful if its use tons of Nasty Plot to up its attack stats, Confusion and Future Sight can be ridiculous things to messed with it. I do remembered my Luxray has been fainted for catching this stupid Azelf=.= Dusk balls as usual, of course you can always throw Quick Balls to it, but most likely fail, unless you are lucky enough^^ (hehe, I like Copy and Paste XD) Here's the moveset when you caught It ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Move +Type +Category +Power +Accuracy +Base PP ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Swift Normal Special 60 100% 20 Uproar Normal Special 50 100% 10 Future Sight Psychic Other 80 90% 15 Nasty Plot Dark Other -- 100% 20 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TIME&SPACE OWNER: DIALGA & PALKIA [YG03] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sweet things for Pokemon Platinum version is both of the main legendaries of D/P, Dialga and Palkia can be caught after defeating Elite Four. This time they are back with LvL 70!! highest level legendaries you can be found in Platinum version without any special events requires. These beasts sleep atop of the Spear Pillar, their D/P nest, with loads of conditions to fulfill, you can be able to invites these two powerful pokes into your party, to make sure you were not be able to knock out by someone in the game anymore I can assure^^ For the quests of get these beasts, below are the conditions you need to fulfill. 1. Defeat the Elite Four at Pokemon League. 2. Talk to the elder of Celestic Town which is Cynthia mother's to unlock the quest. 3. Travel through the Mt. Coronet to collect the Adamant Orb and Lustrous Orb. These items lies ahead of the lower section of 4F,its accessible from going right when you go up with the first Rock Climb path on the snowy peaks. You also need Waterfall to get both of the items, also don't forget to check the middle rock to get Stone Plate which lies between the two orbs. Once its all done, keep your mind ready for these legendary beasts. Travelling to the top of Mt. Coronet for reaching Spear Pillar. Stocks pokeballs, potions and revives for sure, and for advices, stocks some Ethers or Leppa Berries in case of running out moves PP because both of these legendaries have ability PRESSURE, hehe, I guess I no need to explain about it. ====================================================================== DIALGA NATIONAL DEX NUMBER: *483 Temporal Pokemon ====================================================================== If you have Adamant Orb in your hands, the blue portal will occurs at the far end of the Spear Pillar, save your game and engage the portal, accept the challenge and Dialga will attacks you. I love these beasts battle music so much, top beat remixes of the music makes the battle more interesting and ass-kicked^^ =====================----------------------------=========================== DIALGA Location- SPEAR PILLAR Level- 70 Type- Dragon/Steel Sign. Move- Roar of Time Ability- Pressure =====================----------------------------=========================== ************************************ Pokedex Info- A legendary Pokemon of Sinnoh. It is said that time flows when DIALGA's heart beats. ************************************ Dialga has incredibly strong level at 70, which means all of his moves will certainly deal a LOTs of damage to your pokes. His Earth Power is the massive attack and can be quiet harmful if you are using any fire types or electric types pokemon against's him. One of his most powerful signature move, Roar Of Time you hope you don't fool with it, sinces his level are at 70, imagine how high his SP. ATk stats are, one hit of this kinda dragon type of hyper beam Roar Of Time will certainly KO your pokes unless you have higher or similar level with this beast. Heal Block will block the pokes heal moves, but not for items, so don't mind that too much. His weakness to Ground and Fighting moves and also resist to many different types of moves. Do as usual, chippin his HP down and paralysis or Hypnosis him, Ultra Balls works here though, you can consider use Masterball on Dialga or just throw balls tactic. This can be tough to get through, restart if you fail to catch him:/ I would like to tell my experiences about getting these two legendaries. Before I went through the quest, I still have one Master Ball on hand, so, I planned like this, get one of these two with Master Ball, and then the rest one I play hard. When everything was planned, I reached their nest, approached to Dialga 1st for sure, and the ridiculous things is, I wonder why I will changed my mind and threw Quick Balls to him, and guess what? GotCha!! I got him just a few seconds!! How lucky I am, and of course I laugh the shit out of me when I throwing Master Ball on Palkia. There they are, in my pokes party^^ You guys can always try to see whether you are good luck enough to get these legendaries with Quick Balls ;p Here's the moveset when you caught It ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Move +Type +Category +Power +Accuracy +Base PP ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Roar of Time Dragon Special 150 90% 5 Heal Block Psychic Other -- 100% 15 Earth Power Ground Special 90 100% 10 Slash Normal Physical 70 100% 20 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ====================================================================== PALKIA NATIONAL DEX NUMBER: *484 Spatial Pokemon ====================================================================== As soon as you finish off Dialga, exit to the Mt. Coronet and walks back to the Spear Pillar again, you will find out the blue portal is gone and it replace a pink portal at the right side instead, save your game and accept his challenge, Palkia is the next. =====================----------------------------=========================== PALKIA Location- SPEAR PILLAR Level- 70 Type- Dragon/Water Sign. Move- Spacial Rend Ability- Pressure =====================----------------------------=========================== ************************************ Pokedex Info- A legendary Pokemon of Sinnoh. It is said that space becomes more stable with PALKIA's every breath. ************************************ Insane level he has, Palkia arms with his signature moves Spacial Rend, which with massive damage and highly critical hit ratio, and with a slighty new sprite of it. If you have seen Pokemon o7 Movie, how exaggerates destructive his Spacial Rend are, probably you don't want to mess with it. The rest of his moves are same with Dialga. Palkia is a water type dragon so it won't resist to many types unlike Dialga,it is easily to bring down his HP though, but his only weakness to Dragon type moves. Palkia is the one which have more balance stats and compares to Dialga. He's an effective attackers which you hopefully can bring him to your party. Net Balls will be effective on catching him, Ultra Balls and Timer Balls are also needed in case you don't have much Net Balls, use Master Ball if you have more from trade with others or Pal Park connection. Here's the moveset when you caught It ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Move +Type +Category +Power +Accuracy +Base PP ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Spacial Rend Dragon Special 100 95% 5 Heal Block Psychic Other -- 100% 15 Earth Power Ground Special 90 100% 10 Slash Normal Physical 70 100% 20 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEGENDARIES BIRDS FROM KANTO [YG04] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here they are, these lovely birds which is the legendaries from the far land Kanto, are available to catch after obtain your National Dex. I still can remembered how fierce they are when they fought against each others along the Johto Legendary pokes Lugia at the Pokemon Movie 2000, these birds with different types is simply useful for future battles. Unfortunately, Moltres, Zapdos and Articuno are a running pokemon, same as Cresselia and Mesprit, which means total five of legendaries you can hunt at the same time! It is sure to keep you busy for a while. To unlock these birds for quest, get the National Dex and complete the Pal Park walkthrough and talk to Prof. Oak at Eterna City. Prof. Oak will be hanging around at the bottom house of the city and once you talk to him, he will give u an Up-Grade items, also will unlock these birds onto Sinnoh. Birds fly as always. All of them are at level 60, so be prepare to add fresh blood to your trainer records. ====================================================================== ARTICUNO NATIONAL DEX NUMBER: *144 Freeze Pokemon ====================================================================== Articuno is the Ice Type legendary pokemon, and this is the one I loves the most instead of the rest of them. Roaming down the map to engage it. =====================----------------------------=========================== ARTICUNO Location- Anyway Grass at Sinnoh Level- 60 Type- Ice/Flying Sign. Move- None Ability- Pressure =====================----------------------------=========================== ************************************ Pokedex Info- A legendary bird Pokemon. It can create blizzards by freezing moisture in the air. ************************************ Articuno is the defender among the three of them, its Ice beam deals a loads of damage to Grass, Ground and Rock types pokes, so don't put any risk on your Torretta. XD One of the moves that annoying most for getting these three birds is all of them knows how to use ROOST, these stupid flying moves heals almost 50% of their life. All you can do is bring a lvl between 45-55 pokes, hit it hard to drain its HP, after that, try to put them into Paralysis or Sleep and let them run aways, and try using Dusk Balls at night or Quick Balls when you engage it. Sad things to said, unless you have extra Master Balls, these birds are just simply hard to catch because their catch rate is too damn low... =.= Mean Look or Block also useful onto them, if you don't want them to heal themselves, mostly you won't let them, try putting a pokes with ability Pressure to fight them each times, let their Roost PP runs out quickly, I am not sure whether this will works or not, but at least you can give it a try. Here's the moveset when you caught It ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Move +Type +Category +Power +Accuracy +Base PP ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Agility Psychic Other -- 100% 30 Ice Beam Ice Special 90 100% 10 Reflect Psychic Other -- 100% 20 Roost Flying Other -- 100% 10 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ====================================================================== ZAPDOS NATIONAL DEX NUMBER: *145 Electric Pokemon ====================================================================== This fellas comes down from the thunder clouds, its Thunder is simply powerful than Pikachu's one ;p Roaming down the map to engage it. =====================----------------------------=========================== ZAPDOS Location- Anyway Grass at Sinnoh Level- 60 Type- Electric/Flying Sign. Move- None Ability- Pressure =====================----------------------------=========================== ************************************ Pokedex Info- A legendary Pokemon that is said to live in thunderclouds. It freely controls lighting bolts ************************************ Zapdos has high stats of Speed, so don't get shocked if its runs away before you touch it's single fur, all you have to do is try get a pokes with higher Speed stats for chip out its HP. Same tactics as other runners, but beware of its combination of Charge and Discharge which can deal loads of damage after its perform loads times of Charge and attack with Discharge. It will also leaves your pokes into Paralysis too if you didn't handle it well. Good luck with Quick Balls and Ultra Balls are recommended. Here's the moveset when you caught It ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Move +Type +Category +Power +Accuracy +Base PP ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Charge Electric Other -- 100% 20 Agility Psychic Other -- 100% 30 Discharge Electric Special 80 100% 15 Roost Flying Other -- 100% 10 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ====================================================================== MOLTRES NATIONAL DEX NUMBER: *146 Flame Pokemon ====================================================================== Moltres is having a most pretty sprite in Platinum version, imagine you get it onto learning Fire Blast, surely blast off those Buggy and Grassy with a satisfying hit. =====================----------------------------=========================== MOLTRES Location- Anyway Grass at Sinnoh Level- 60 Type- Fire/Flying Sign. Move- None Ability- Pressure =====================----------------------------=========================== ************************************ Pokedex Info- One of the legendary bird Pokemon. It is said that its appearance indicates the coming of spring. ************************************ Fire burnt all over its body, making him looks more aggressive, yes, this bird is the attackers among these birds. Its Flamethrower will burnt down your pokes with its 10% chance of burning target. LOLx Same tactics as for runners, Quick balls for try whether your lucky star is by your side or not. Here's the moveset when you caught It ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Move +Type +Category +Power +Accuracy +Base PP ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100% 15 Safeguard Normal Other -- 100% 25 Air Slash Flying Special 75 95% 20 Roost Flying Other -- 100% 10 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LUNAR WINGS AT FULLMOON ISLAND [YG05] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This quest will allow you to catch the loveliest legendary Cresselia. The method of unlock this pokemon is same as Pokemon D/P version. As soon as you obtained the National Dex, pack up yourself and travel to Canalave City. Once you reach the city, go to the south area next to the sea port and visit to the sailor house. Talk to both child and his mother, you soon discover that the child were having a nightmare and he was fell into semi-conscious, which I think that was a connection between this quest and the another legendary pokes called DARKRAI and his mother will told you that the only way to heal her children, a rare item called Lunar Wing is needed, you will get to know where to find it when you exit the house and talk to the sailor, who is the child's father. He will be gratefully thanks for your help, and leads you to the island which far than Iron Island, and here you are, the Fullmoon Island. As I mention above, Cresselia is a runners. ====================================================================== CRESSELIA NATIONAL DEX NUMBER: *488 Lunar Pokemon ====================================================================== Once you reach the inner part of the island, approach to Cresselia and your Pokedex will recorded as you seen her, and she will start runs in the wild. She will leave the item Lunar Wing after she leave, pick up the items for a medcine to the sailor's kid. She has a special moves called Lunar Dance, same effect with Healing Wish, which the user faints and the next pokemon switch out will be fully healed at the battle. and this move can be learned after her levels reach 84. No movie were released for her yet, sad things I hope they will have a movie that she will be the main legendary stalking the whole movie storyline.^^ =====================----------------------------=========================== CRESSELIA Location- Anyway Grass at Sinnoh Level- 50 Type- Psychic Sign. Move- Lunar Dance Ability- Levitate =====================----------------------------=========================== ************************************ Pokedex Info- On nights around the quarter moon, the aurora from its tail extends and undulates beautifully. ************************************ Cresselia has a high stats of defense and special defense, but very weak attack and special attack, hit her hard but not too hard, lvl 40-50 pokes would be the best for facing her, since she is also a runners, same tactics against runners should take her down. Open you Poketch's Mark Map app and start track her down, chip down her HP slowly and out her into status condition, REMINDER (Do not cause her into Poison or Burnt.) and Roar her and start throw your balls. Don't you really use Roar on her if you wanna catch it, LOLX. Master Ball is a consideration if you still have it on your backpack, Ultra Balls and Timer Balls are useful to catch, since she doesn't have any moves that know to heal herself, be relax to bring down this lovely legendary. Here's the moveset when you caught her ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Move +Type +Category +Power +Accuracy +Base PP ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mist Ice Other -- 100% 30 Aurora Beam Ice Special 65 100% 20 Future Sight Psychic Other 80 90% 15 Slash Normal Physical 70 100% 20 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BURNING STARK MOUTAIN [YG06] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The legendary pokemon who have random gender, Heatran, can be found once you get rid the remaining Team Galactic at the Stark Mountain, talk to Buck at the Survival Area, he then will let you pass into the Top Trainer Cafe known as Battleground, here you can fight with those GYM Leader AGAIN with their much higher levels pokes. Talk to Buck again and then he will leave the cafe, the Heatran are awaits at Stark Mountain. Rock Climb, Strength and Surf are needed for approaching Heatran, do as usual, pack up some Dusk Balls and Ultra Balls, bring along some pokes with lvl45-55, and ready to face some heat! ====================================================================== HEATRAN NATIONAL DEX NUMBER: *485 Lava Dome Pokemon ====================================================================== Heatran lies in the deepest part of the Stark Mountain, and also is the place where you fought with Galactic Team, be sure to collect the items inside the Stark Mountain since when first time you came you are unable to reach certain area because Buck's with you. Flame Plate are located at the left side of the Stark Mountain 2F, you need a Dowsing Machine App. to find that. If you talk to Buck at the cafe, you will see Heatran is already at the room, save your game and fights him/her. =====================----------------------------=========================== HEATRAN Location- STARK MOUTAIN Level- 50 Type- Fire/Steel Sign. Move- Magma Storm Ability- Flash Fire =====================----------------------------=========================== ************************************ Pokedex Info- Its body is made of rugged steel. However, it is partially melted in spots because of is own heat. ************************************ Heatran is a weirdo among the previous legendaries because its have gender, means you can either encounter a female Heatran and male Heatran. Heatran is a steel with fire type,it has Metal Sound which can lower your pokes SP. Def -2, and Lava Plume can be quiet harmful since it has 30% chance of burning your pokes. He has an ability called Flash Fire makes Fire attack breakdown and useless to it, nothing more to say in here, do the usual HP chip, put status condition over it, and Dusk Balls would be the best choice when you battles it at night, and he is in the cave, 4* rate percentage of catching pokemons, DUSK BALLS are certainly work it out. Here's the moveset when you caught it ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Move +Type +Category +Power +Accuracy +Base PP ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Metal Sound Steel Other -- 85% 40 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100% 15 Scary Face Normal Other -- 90% 10 Lava Plume Fire Special 80 100% 15 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE SECRET OF OLD CHATEAU [YG07] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In Pokemon Platinum, Rotom is available after as soon as you wipe out the Galactic Team at the Eterna City, means once you have jobs done in Galactic Hideout, you can go for Rotom. Old Chateau is located at the North side, near the exit of the Eterna Forest, you need to CUT down the threes which block your way to the chateau, there's an Ether on the right side of the chateau. Old Chateau has a very freaky background music and very freaky Gastly, which you can get one of them into your party, they are useful too. There's a tons of item you can collect within the chateau, take your time and get them all. TM 90 Substitute is here!! Don't you missed ya.^^ And also with any GBA Catridge inserted, you can found Gengar at the top floor, in the fourth room start from the left. But you need a National Dex to do this, though. ====================================================================== ROTOM NATIONAL DEX NUMBER: *479 Plasma Pokemon ====================================================================== Go upstairs and enter the 2nd room from the left, there's a TV there, once your DS clock ticks to 8.00pm, approach to the TV and say Yes, Rotom will comes out from the monitor and attack, freaky. Pokemon Platinum version provides new Forme to not only for Giratina, but Shaymin and Rotom too. Rotom has total five of different forme you can enjoy it, I'll explain later for further information. =====================----------------------------=========================== ROTOM Location- OLD CHATEAU Level- 20 Type- Electric/Ghost Sign. Move- None Ability- Levitate =====================----------------------------=========================== ************************************ Pokedex Info- Its electric-like body can enter some kinds of machines and take control in order to make mischief. ************************************ Rotom is a unique dude appearance among the Pokemon because the settings and the battle music but it can't consider as a legendary though, but don't mind that, and if you are on your way for Pokemon Platinum Walkthrough, not after the Elite Four, Rotom is one of the useful pokes you can bring along your adventure because it's a fairly balance stats and its a Ghost and Electric Type. Level 20 isn't cause any much problem for you to taking it down or capture it, and if you intends to let it join your party, do the usual things, Dusk Balls at night are best bet. Ooops, there's still haven't got any Dusk Balls on sell at the PokeMart you've came so far, so, what to do? Try Nest Balls indeed, or usual Poke Balls also will works as long as you chip down its HP to critical condition, let it Sleeps or Paralysis it, good luck on that.^^ Here's the moveset when you caught it ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Move +Type +Category +Power +Accuracy +Base PP ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thundershock Electric Special 40 100% 30 Confuse Ray Ghost Other -- 100% 10 Uproar Normal Special 50 100% 10 Double Team Normal Other -- 100% 15 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *************************************************** CHANGING FORME OF ROTOM *************************************************** If you have a Secret Key (Maybe you can use action replay to cheat this items out, and don't forget you need also to activate the events instead of just giving yourself the item.) Get your Rotom into your party and head to the Galactic Hideout where you fought Jupiter for the very first time, located at Eterna City. Once you enter the building, go to the top left room, beside the bookcase and press A on the wall, here's the secret key use for, the wall will move away and reveal a basement! Inside the room, five home electronic appliances lies on the floor, and some books of the table. The books explain the forme that Rotom can changed and some scientist notes, at the same time, Professor Rowan will appear and talks to you too. If you have Rotom on your party, approach to each appliances and Rotom will possess into it, changing its stats and learned new moves. Here is the list of the Forme of Rotom for each appliances. 1. Fridge will turn ROTOM into FROST ROTOM and learned moves BLIZZARD. 2. Lawnmover will turn ROTOM into MOW ROTOM and learned moves LEAF STORM. 3. Oven wll turn ROTOM into HEAT ROTOM and learned moves OVERHEAT. 4. Fan will turn ROTOM into FAN ROTOM and learned moves AIR SLASH. 5. Washing Machine will turn ROTOM into WASH ROTOM and learned moves HYDRO PUMP. Your Rotom will automatically learned the move and replace with the old ones once you let it possess to another kind of appliances, and if you want your Rotom back to normal, just simply press A to the appliances which is now Rotom attached and it will revert back to normal and lose the specific moves, without any confirmation. It's quiet fun though if your Rotom is the main supporter on your party, changing form will be very useful for fighting against enemies with specific type. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONCLUSION OF THIS SITE [Y003] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ These legendaries shows above are available to catch through the Pokemon Platinum Main Walkthrough without any special events, and some of them like Azelf, Mesprit and Uxie are require to engage in case of getting your National Dex. Legendaries are far unique than others pokemon and its always the stronger ones, you will probably loves one of their signature moves since they are aggressive, strong enough to take down your enemies easily. Legendaries are hard to catch so you will need to put much your efforts and times on it. Have fun on these Legendaries.^^ ############################################################################## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EVENT LEGENDARIES [Y004] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This site will shows information about those legendaries which require a special events to unlock or catch them. These Pokemons are REGICE, REGISTEEL, REGIROCK, REGIGIGAS, DARKRAI, SHAYMIN, MANAPHY, PHIONE and ARCEUS. All of them can be caught or get via Nintendo Special Events, Movie Events and Trade. Arceus is the unofficial pokemon that you can't found any information of its at Pokémon.com pokedex (http://www.pokemon.com/Pokedex/flash.asp), But don't you guys worry, Arceus movie is already announced and it will release at 7/18/2009 in JAPAN. All of us are wait for it I sure.^^ ############################################################################## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BENEATH THE SNOWPOINT TEMPLE [YG08] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Snowpoint Temple is the place where Regigigas lives, to unlock this Big Guy, you need to bring along Regice, Regirock and Registeel before you approach him. Regigigas appear in the Pokemon Movie 08 Giratina and the Sky Bouquet, role as side character and save the day along with Ash and his friends. Three of the Regis can be obtained via GTS or trade with your friends from Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald, or, if you are lucky enough, obtained the REGIGIGAS at the pokemon movie 08 event, you can catch these three Regis in Pokemon Platinum too with the movie event Regigigas along in your party. Once you have three Regis in your party, travel to the snowy Snowpoint City, and head to the north, where the temple held. The women won't let you enter the temple before you take down the Elite Four, but if you complete all main walkthrough, the Gym Leader of the Snowpoint City, Candice will come and allow you to discover the temple, sweet. ====================================================================== REGIGIGAS NATIONAL DEX NUMBER: *486 Colossal Pokemon ====================================================================== Reach to the most bottom floor of the Snowpoint Temple and you will see this big guy is sleeping at the middle of the room. Save your game and approach him, if you have three Regis in your party, you awakes this big guy for sure. =====================----------------------------=========================== REGIGIGAS Location- SNOWPOINT TEMPLE Level- 1 Type- Normal Sign. Move- Crush Grip Ability- Slow Start =====================----------------------------=========================== ************************************ Pokedex Info- It is said to have made Pokemon that look like itself from a special ice mountain, rocks, and magma. ************************************ Yes, he is level 1! Not much suprise eh? All you need to do is FALSE SWIPE him and inflicts status on him, throw Dusk Balls at night or Ultra Balls or Whatever you like, but no Poke Ball for sure. LOLX Regigigas has an ability called Slow Start, which means during the first five turns, Regigigas has his Attack and Speed are cut in half, until its finally got its act, kinda weird of this ability is... Crush Grip is Regigigas signature moves that can be learn only his is reaching the level 75, this moves can be quiet strong if use against to those pokes which have insane high HP, like Blissey or Snorlax etc. Here's the moveset when you caught it ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Move +Type +Category +Power +Accuracy +Base PP ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Dizzy Punch Normal Physical 70 100% 10 Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100% 20 Confuse Ray Ghost Other --- 100% 10 Foresight Normal Other --- 100% 40 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE PRINCESS OF THE SEA, MANAPHY AND PHIONE [YG09] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Manaphy is the one who is the Sinnoh Legendary although its appear in the Movie 06, which can be counted long time ago. Manaphy is kinda tricky to get because you need to transfer the egg from Pokemon Ranger or Pokemon Ranger Shadow of Almia games via the event these games have, Toys R' Us also have an event to give out Manaphy egg but its already held a long time ago, and possibly you can get it with your D/P only, trade from GTS or D/P also works too. ====================================================================== MANAPHY NATIONAL DEX NUMBER: *490 Seafaring Pokemon ====================================================================== Manaphy eggs are far different from the other normal eggs you breed, this egg has a special design, and once you took almost 3000+ steps along with the eggs, the egg will hatch and containing Manaphy. =====================----------------------------=========================== MANAPHY Location- EGG Level- 1 Type- Water Sign. Move- Heart Swap Ability- Hydration =====================----------------------------=========================== ************************************ Pokedex Info- It is born with a wondrous power that lets it bond with any kind of Pokemon. ************************************ The ability its has, called Hydration, if I remember, Dewgong also have the same ability too, Manaphy will cure all of its status condition if there's raining when battles. Rain Dance combine with this ability will become anti- status condition, quiet cool. Manaphy has its own signature move too, called Heart Swap, can be learned after its reaching level 76, this moves is used for swapping all stats with the opponent, it's kinda useless but its very useful against those pokemon which have insanely high stats compare to the so-so stats Manaphy have. Here's the moveset when you hatched it ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Move +Type +Category +Power +Accuracy +Base PP ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Tail Glow Bug Other -- 100% 20 Bubble Water Special 20 100% 30 Water Sport Water Other -- 100% 15 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ====================================================================== PHIONE NATIONAL DEX NUMBER: *489 Sea Drifter Pokemon ====================================================================== In order to get this Manaphy baby Phione, you need to breed Manaphy with Ditto at the Solaceon Day Care Center. =====================----------------------------=========================== PHIONE Location- EGG Level- 1 Type- Water Sign. Move- None Ability- Hydration =====================----------------------------=========================== ************************************ Pokedex Info- It drifts in warm seas. It always return to where it was born, no matter how far it may have drifted. ************************************ Not too much to say here, unfortunately Phione is the weak than Manaphy, and it doesn't have any signature moves too, but, its look cute anyways.^^ Here's the moveset when you hatched it ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Move +Type +Category +Power +Accuracy +Base PP ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Bubble Water Special 20 100% 30 Water Sport Water Other -- 100% 15 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NIGHTMARE TO THE DISTANT NEWMOON ISLAND [YG10] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You need a Member Card from Nintendo Wi-Fi Event, or either activate this event with your action replay cheat devices, to unlock the quest of the NewMoon Island. What kind of pokemon are lies within the Island? Remember the kids who caught into the nightmare and you help him with the Lunar Wings which Cresselia gaves you? There it is, I believe the source of the nightmare is the legendary Pokemon Darkrai, it'll cause any Nightmare to its surroundings for protect himself, ^^ I got it from the pokedex info, anyways. In Pokemon Movie 07, Darkrai role as a village protector, fight against Palkia and Dialga with Ash and his friends, sadly he is not strong enough and being take down by both beasts at the climax of the movie storyline. But he is strong in Pokemon games, with his ability and nasty dark type moves... aiyeeee, I explain soon. ;p Darkrai lies in the deeper part of the Newmoon Island, located at the right side of the Fullmoon Island, which place that you spots Cresselia. All you have to do is fly back to Canalave City, and READY to stocks up your pokeballs and potions, Dusk Balls, Ultra Balls and Timer Balls is needed unless you have extra Master Balls. ====================================================================== DARKRAI NATIONAL DEX NUMBER: *491 Pitch-Black Pokemon ====================================================================== Once you have Member Card in hands, pack up your items and travel back to Canalave City, enter the house which located just above the Pokemon Center, if you don't have the event activate you are unable to enter the house at the start, guess you mention that when you are in the main walkthrough. There's a freaky dudes awaits you at the house. He said he's been waiting for you for long times and make a reservations to you, along with his evil laugh, and then you are force to end up with sleeping. Once you wake up, you will found yourself at the freaky background musics same as Old Chateau, an island, stranded shore with a ship which don't have any sailor to take you back. This is the Newmoon Island and you are stuck at here before you take down the Darkrai. Means you can't go back unless you beat or caught the legendary pokemon which stay at the island, Darkrai. Just enter the center part of the island and Darkrai will be there, standing at the middle of the center part, save your game and ready to get some nightmares...=.= =====================----------------------------=========================== DARKRAI Location- NEWMOON ISLAND Level- 50 Type- Dark Sign. Move- Dark Void Ability- Bad Dreams =====================----------------------------=========================== ************************************ Pokedex Info- To protect itself, it afflicts those around it with nightmares. However, it means no harm. ************************************ In Pokemon Pearl and Diamond, Darkrai is at average lvl 40, but this time he back to the Platinum version with lvl 50, He has greatly Speed stats too, which he can put sleeps to your pokemon very fast with his Hypnosis. DON't let your pokemon sleep without doing anything, you soon learn why. Darkrai has a special ability which only he owns called the Bad Dreams, this ability will decrease your pokemon 1/16 HP if the pokemons are fall asleep, and if he is activating the Nightmare as soon as he put sleep to your pokes, it can be very dangerous. Double Team are annoying though, Faint Attack will strikes you pokemon without any misses. Don't mind using False Swipe since he is a Dark pokemon, not Ghost type actually, do the usual things, chip down his HP, put stats condition. You know what to do next. Dusk Balls and Ultra Balls works here, Timer Balls for long turns, as well as Quick Balls for lucky strike. Once Darkrai reach level 66, He will owns a very awesome signature moves calls Dark Void, this awesome move can hypnosis all your opponent pokes in battle field, yes, include double battle, awesome is it? If you wanna enjoy your friends get mad at you while you dudes playing double battle via Wi-Fi when his/her pokemons are fall in deep shit just because your Dark Void, Nightmare and Bad Dreams combinations, you certainly need to get this awesome legendary. LOLX Here's the moveset when you caught it ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Move +Type +Category +Power +Accuracy +Base PP ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Hypnosis Psychic Other -- 70% 20 Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 100% 20 Nightmare Ghost Other -- 100% 15 Double Team Normal Other -- 100% 15 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FLOWER, FLOWER PARADISE [YG11] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Oak's Letter from Nintendo Wi-Fi events unlock this event, The loveliest legendary called Shaymin is the gratitude ones who live in the Flower Paradise, really have a loads of flowers at the area she lives so it calls the Flower Paradise. Shaymin did a great performance at Pokemon Movie 08, team up with his fearful partner Giratina came to save the day in a pleasing ways. As I mention above, Platinum give New Forme to Shaymin, Gracedia Flowers was mention in the movie , its the item to change Shaymin into Sky Forme. More info about Gracedia Flowers will be jot down later. This gratitude pokemon lodge at the place which can be pass through after the main walkthrough is complete, you need to beat down Elite Four 1st before you can meet her. Once you complete the toughest time at the Pokemon League, take the Oak's Letter and store up some balls and items for sure, its a quiet long journey and you will face some trainer along your journey to the Flower Paradise too. Bring along pokes with known HM moves Defog, Strength, Rock Smash(Recommended) and Surf for passing through the Victory Road, once you are ready, fly to the place which you have the hardest time in your first time playing through the Walkthrough, the Pokemon League. Head down the Victory Road and find the entrance leads to the other side of victory Roads, and if your first time came here you will saw a fay guy who blocks the entrance, but after Elite Four, the fat guy dissappear for sure. This area is cover with fog, when this weather ability will knock down your pokemon accuracy, you probably need to DeFog it away, there's a girl called Marley will become your companions for the first time you enter here, there's a loads of trainers and they are usually standing by for double battles. Notes that the lakes of this area is where you can find Lapras after obtaining your National Dex. Pass through this caves and Marley will then leaves, and once you exit the from this area, you will find yourself wander at Route 224. ====================================================================== SHAYMIN NATIONAL DEX NUMBER: *492 Gratitude Pokemon ====================================================================== Heading to the end of the route, and you will see Riley and Professor Oak. After the conversation, you need to approach the big white rock and it will ask you to jot down the person who you thanks the most, after you do this, a huge earthquake shock the area and the new path will open. Cute Shaymin will come over and she will shock because she scare you guys, and she will runs off back to the new path. After the scene, head up to the path, this is the longest route in all Pokemon Games which you can't find anything except a road full of flowers, the SeaBreak Path will leads you to the Flower Paradise. Shaymin is hanging around at the center of the Flower Paradise area, fresh and unique place which suits Shaymin event the most. Save your game and approach forward to hug this lovely cutie. =====================----------------------------=========================== SHAYMIN Location- FLOWER PARADISE Level- 30 Type- Grass [Normal Forme], Grass.Flying [Sky Forme] Sign. Move- Seed Flare Ability- Natural Cure [Normal Forme], Serene Grace [Sky Forme] =====================----------------------------=========================== ************************************ Pokedex Info- The flowers all over its body burst into bloom if it is lovingly hugged and senses gratitude. ************************************ Same level with Pokemon D/P version, Shaymin is easier to get and she is harmless since her level are just a bit low. She is harmless, don't worry about it, but she has a move Synthesis that can be quiet annoying for you to chip down her HP. Her Natural Cure ability is useless since she can't be switch out herself for curing her status condition. Chip down her HP and quickly put Sleep or Paralysis her, throw Dusk Balls at night or Ultra Balls at day, it should be quick catch because she has a high catch rate. Shaymin has a new form called the Sky Forme, compare to the Normal Forme, Sky Forme Shaymin has more higher stats, and its a Flying type too, you need the Gracedia Flowers to change her into Sky Forme, and it will turn back to Normal Forme when night falls, so it say you can only enjoy the Sky Forme at morning or day time. Her signature moves, Seed Flare is the most awesome Grass Type moves but it can only be learned when reach level 100!! How sad it is=.= You probably takes very long time to leveling her up if you really have curiosity on this move sprite. Here's the moveset when you caught Her +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Move +Type +Category +Power +Accuracy +Base PP +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Defense Curl Normal Other -- 100% 40 Magical Leaf Grass Special 60 100% 20 Leech Seed Grass Other -- 90% 10 Synthesis Grass Other -- 100% 5 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *************************************************** CHANGING FORME OF SHAYMIN *************************************************** In order to get Gracedia Flower, you need the Shaymin either from the Platinum version ONLY (Shaymin from Pokemon D/P will not works.), or, the Shaymin from the same event with Regigigas in Pokemon Movie 08 event or Toys R Us event. Get your Shaymin into your party and travel to the Floaroma Town, talk to the women who stands just at the left side of the Pokemon Center, she will give you a bunch of the Gracedias for yournShaymin. This gratitude present is actually a key items, just scroll over your backpack to the KEY ITEMS, use the Gracedia on Shaymin, Shaymin will then turn into Sky Forme at Morning or Day and its unable to use at night. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ALMIGHTY IN HALLS OF ORIGIN, SPEAR PILLAR [YG12] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here you are, the Arceus, appear at the last number of the Pokedex and its can be said still an unofficial Pokemon since there is no events for giving it out yet and we probably have to wait this year Pokemon Movie, which contain Dialga, Palkia, Giratina and Arceus, for hoping it comes out an event for giving this ultimate pokemon. But still you can get the Azure Flute items for activating the quest to Halls of Origin by using cheat devices or just WAIT for the event. Here is some information about Arceus. ====================================================================== ARCEUS NATIONAL DEX NUMBER: *493 Alpha Pokemon ====================================================================== if you have the key items Azure Flute, travel long way back to the top of the Mt. Coronet, Once you reach the Spear Pillar, the games will ask you to blew the Azure Flute, and thus, a stairs to the Halls of Origin appear just right in front of you. Save your game and climb to the top and the game will automatically leads you to Arceus. Arceus making a freaky noise and background music. Here it is, the ultimate of the legendary thus far, Arceus the Alpha Pokemon. =====================----------------------------=========================== ARCEUS Location- HALLS OF ORIGIN Level- 80 Type- Normal Sign. Move- Judgement Ability- Multitype =====================----------------------------=========================== ************************************ Pokedex Info- It is said to have emerged from an egg in a place where there was nothing, then shaped the world. ************************************ Arceus has insanely high level 80, armed with the moves Refresh, Future Sight , Recover and Hyper Beam, you definitely need a Master Ball because its almost impossible to catch with normal pokeballs, how can you manage to chip down his HP and put stats over him since he has the moves Recover and Refresh, unless you struggle long time enough to make his PP runs out, but its just useless, don't forget the move Struggle=.= Those Plates that you have collect through the map of Sinnoh, its actually design for Arceus, attached any plates will turn Arceus types into that type of plate, this is his intriguing ability called Multitype. Arceus has its own signature moves called the Judgement. This move have 100 power and 100% accuracy, and the effect is based on what type of Arceus are by attaching the varies plates. Awesome is it? Here's the moveset when you caught It +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Move +Type +Category +Power +Accuracy +Base PP +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Refresh Normal Other -- 100% 20 Future Sight Psychic Other 80 90% 15 Recover Normal Other -- 100% 10 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90% 5 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ UPDATE: A reader named Pim Faessen send this useful tips on how to catch Arceus. Credits goes to Pim XD "Step 1: Go to Route 225 and catch a male and a female Raticate. Both must know Endeavor. Step 2: Take them to Day Care. Wait until they have an Egg and hatch it. You should have a lvl 1 Rattata knowing Endeavor. Step 3: Go to Old Chateau or Lost Tower, catch a Gastly and make it remember Hypnosis. Step 4: Make sure you have Origin Forme Giratina which knows Heal Block. Step 5: Challenge Arceus and send out Gastly. Step 6: Put Arceus to sleep. Due to its immunity for HyperBeam and the turns you have to wait before Future Sight hits, Gastly can't be killed during the first turn. Step 7: Send out Rattata and use Endeavor. Arceus is now severly weakened. Step 8: Send out Giratina and use HealBlock, so Arceus won't be able to use Recover. Altered Forme Giratina, Dialga and Palkia can also be used, but Arceus will run out of PP more quickly since they have Pressure, and Dialga and Palkia won't be immune to Hyper Beam. You can catch Arceus using Dusk Balls, Ultra Balls and Timer Balls." *************************************************** CHANGING TYPE OF ARCEUS *************************************************** I would like to list all the locations of those plates that can posibbly help you easier to find all of them, since these plates are also will raise the power of other pokemons type, collect all of them might not be a bad idea. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +Plates +Location + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +Draco Plate +Eterna City, at the backside of the Pokemon Statue+ +Dread Plate +Old Chateau, first room from left at upstairs + +Earth Plate +Oreburgh Gate B1, move the boulder to get it + +Fist Plate +Route 215 + +Flame Plate +Stark Mountain, left side of the Main Room + +Icicle Plate +Route 217 + +Insect Plate +Eterna Forest, around the outside of Old Chateau + +Iron Plate +Iron Island, Floor 2 (Left) + +Meadow Plate +Route 210, Surf and Waterfall needed + +Mind Plate +Solaceon Ruins, the treasure room at the end + +Sky Plate +Pokemon League, outside of the building + +Stone Plate +Mt. Coronet, where the orbs lies + +Splash Plate +Route 220 + +Spooky Plate +Right side of the Amity Square + +Toxic Plate +Great Marsh + +Zap Plate +Sunyshore City, around the Lighthouse + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Some of them you need the Poketch App. Dowsing Machine to find it. I would not like to point out all the exact place of where it is actually located, because I hope you guys will be having a loads of fun of traveling around, lookin' the dowsing machine and diggin' for this rare treasures.^^ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEGENDARIES REGIS FROM HOENN [YG13] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In Pokemon Platinum, you are able to catch these Hoenn legendaries trios, the REGIS, if you manage to get the Regigigas from the Pokemon Movie 08 event or Toys R' Us event. Put the event Regigigas into your party for unlock his babies. I would like to list all the information about these Regis.^^ ====================================================================== REGIROCK NATIONAL DEX NUMBER: *377 Rock Peak Pokemon ====================================================================== Regirock can be found at Route 228, travel to the Resort Area and head to Route 228, there's a cave which cover by two mud slope at the north side of the route, where you find the Hard Stone at the first time you explore here. Once you have the Regigigas from the event, enter the cave, and you will see there's total seven orange flashin buttons on the floor, and a big Pokemon Statue in front. Steps through all of the orange buttons and the room will shake, save your game and engage the statue. =====================----------------------------=========================== REGIROCK Location- ROCK PEAK RUINS Level- 30 Type- Rock Sign. Move- None Ability- Clear Body =====================----------------------------=========================== ************************************ Pokedex Info- Its entire body is made of rock. If any part chips off in battles,it attaches rocks to repair itself. ************************************ These Regis have their own battle musics too, but not much impressive level they have. All of them have the destructable fighting moves called Superpower . This move have power 120 but since their level just a bit low, this won't be too much harmful. Their Clear Body prevents their stats of being lowered, that's makes Superpower effects useless. All you need to do is chip down its HP, causing a stats condition and throw your pokeballs. Dusk Balls at night, Ultra Balls works too, their catch rate is a bit low so you might take a long times for this if you wanna take them home. Here's the moveset when you caught It +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Move +Type +Category +Power +Accuracy +Base PP +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Stomp Normal Physical 65 100% 20 Rock Throw Rock Physical 50 90% 15 Curse ??? Other -- 100% 10 Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100& 5 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ====================================================================== REGICE NATIONAL DEX NUMBER: *378 Iceberg Pokemon ====================================================================== Travel through to the Mt. Coronet using the Route 211 from Celestic Town, you need a pokemon with HM moves Strength to make your way through . Bring along your Regigigas and enter the Mt' Coronet, head through your way for reaching Route 216, there's a cave just before the exit to Route 216, here it is, where Regice lies. Same method here, steps through all the floor buttons and make Regice appear, save your game and engage the statue, Regice will fights you. =====================----------------------------=========================== REGICE Location- ICEBERG RUINS Level- 30 Type- Ice Sign. Move- None Ability- Clear Body =====================----------------------------=========================== ************************************ Pokedex Info- Its body is made of ice from the ice age. It controls frigid air of -328 degrees Fahrenheit. ************************************ All of the Regis has better defense stats, you can bring along pokes with level 30-35 and hit it hard, put stats condition and blah blah blah... Here's the moveset when you caught It +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Move +Type +Category +Power +Accuracy +Base PP +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Stomp Normal Physical 65 100% 20 Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95% 15 Curse ??? Other -- 100% 10 Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100& 5 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ====================================================================== REGISTEEL NATIONAL DEX NUMBER: *379 Iron Pokemon ====================================================================== You need to get back your way to the Iron Island for Registeel, pack yourself up and head to Canalave City, have a nice trip to Iron Island. Once you reach, head inside and all the way to the exit, there's a cave before the exit, which you pick up your Shiny Stone when you first came. Registeel is sleeping, steps all the button and awakes it. =====================----------------------------=========================== REGISTEEL Location- IRON RUINS Level- 30 Type- Steel Sign. Move- None Ability- Clear Body =====================----------------------------=========================== ************************************ Pokedex Info- Tempered by pressure underground over tens of thousands of years. its body cannot be scratched. ************************************ Nothing much to say here, do the usual things if you wanna catch it. Personally, I like Registeel most^^ Here's the moveset when you caught It +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Move +Type +Category +Power +Accuracy +Base PP +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Stomp Normal Physical 65 100% 20 Metal Claw Steel Physical 50 95% 35 Curse ??? Other -- 100% 10 Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100& 5 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONCLUSION OF THIS SITE [Y005] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ These are the event pokemon which you may have to fatefully encounter them or using the cheat device to catch them, Pokemon Platinum really provides vast legendaries to enjoy. They are strong, and most of them are always banned in Pokemon Battle Facilities. There still have one things i need to say, that all the new forme of Giratina, Shaymin and Rotom is disallowed in Wi-Fi connections, they just switch back to their original form once you enter Wi-Fi GTS or another connection. Really sad...TT ############################################################################## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLOSING WORDS [Y006] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ That's all for the faqs, I guess I didn't missed anything and If I did, I will edit it as soon as I know. GameFreak really did a great job on Pokemon Games series, Pokemon was my favourite cartoon anime since when I was at primary school, and now, its still. ^^ Good luck to you guys for Pokemon Platinum walkthrough and I hope my faqs will help you guys a loads. (^^,) ############################################################################## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COPYRIGHTS AND CREDITS [Y007] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ However, this FAQ is only distribute for www.gamefaqs.com and www.neoseeker.com , and only for privacy use. This guide will not be reproduced under any circumstances, use of this faq on any other website or as part of public display is the violation of copyright. Of course you can feel free to email me if you wanna post this faq on the other site. IMPORTANT CREDITS- Thanks to GameFreak, for this wonderful games ever. Thanks to Pokemon.com, which provides me the info of the pokemon. Thanks to GameFaqs and Neoseeker for posting this FAQ. Thousand Thanks to Pancakes771 faqs, for the pokemon moveset info. Thousand Thanks to drayano60 faqs, for the Plates info. Thanks to sekainoshin_1988 for helping me the site of the Regis. Thanks to ME, I have completed the games and note down every process of getting these legendaries before I started the guide. Been through very hard times. TT Thanks to YOU, who read my FAQs as for the information, really appreciated it. ^^ Hope this can help. ############################################################################## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EMAIL [Y008] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Feel free to email me if you find out something that its confused and do not understand about the steps of getting the legendaries, I will help you always. la[underscore]meme[underscore]histoire[at]live[dot]com ############################################################################## All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Original game Copyright (©) Nintendo. Copyright Nintendo/Game Freak, 2008/2009.