Game Freak
Game Boy Advance
1 to 4
Game Link Cable
E-Card Reader
March 19, 2003 (US)
November 21, 2002 (JP)
Ruby/Sapphire - Preview
Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire are the first Pokemon RPGs on the GameBoy Advance. There
are quite a lot of new features and Pokemon revealed in the new games.
You are Brendan (boy) or May (girl). The world you'll be playing in is called Hoenn. You get your first Pokemon from the Professor Birch, either Treecko (grass), Torchic (fire), or Mudkip (water). Then you travel through a world of beautiful new landscape, buildings, greens, and Pokemon. There is rain, snow, fog, and even sand storms! There are two on two battles, contests, and 130 new Pokemon.
Below is a list of all the currently confired new features.
New Stuff (Compared to previous games)
- Tons of new Pokemon
- Your pack will have an extra pocket just for Berries
- A special BerryDex that gives information on Berries
- Wider screen (because of GBA)
- Two on two Pokemon battles
- More detailed land and characters
- Modified battle scenes
- There will be contests under five categories: Appearance, Beauty, Cuteness, Wisdom, and Strength
- Changed look for buildings
- Realistic fog in the caves
- Rain, ash, and sandstorms