Attack Guide - ABC
Click on a letter to view those attacks:
Grass |
An attack that absorbs half the damage inflicted. |
Power |
20 |
Accuracy |
100 | A weak grass attack that should only be used at low levels or if you've just caught the Pokémon. Go for Giga Drain. |
PP |
20 |
Recover HP = half damage |
Poison |
Sprays a hide-melting acid. May lower defense. |
Power |
40 |
Accuracy |
100 | Hits both targets. Another move only for low levels. Try Sludge Bomb. The defense lowering property doesn't happen often enough to be useful. |
PP |
30 |
Lower foe's defense by 1 stage (10%) |
Poison |
Liquifies the user's body to sharply raise Defense. |
Power |
--- |
Accuracy |
100 | A very useful Defense raising technique. Only a handful learn it though. |
PP |
40 |
Increase Defense by 2 stages. |
Flying |
An extrememly speedy and unavoidable attack. |
Power |
60 |
Accuracy |
100 | Not speedy as in Quick Attack, as the description may imply, but a good move none the less. It's the flying Swift, meaning it'll always hit unless the foe off the screen, in the air or protecting. |
PP |
20 |
Never miss |
Flying |
Launches a vacuumed blast. High critical-hit ratio. |
Power |
100 |
Accuracy |
90 | A strong flying type attack, only known by Lugia. Few PP lets it down though, but with PP-UP, you can get a bit more use out of it. |
PP |
5 |
High critical hit ratio |
Psychic |
Relaxes the body to sharply boost speed. |
Power |
--- |
Accuracy |
100 | I don't know about you, but when I relax, I move a bit slower... Anyway, it's another useful stat boosting technique. Make yourself much faster with this move. Be hitting first with high attacking power, and you've got a winner! Usually however, Pokémon who learn this tend to be fast anyway. |
PP |
30 |
Increase speed by 2 stages |
Flying |
Hacks with razorlike wind. High critical-hit ratio. |
Power |
55 |
Accuracy |
95 | As with any of these 'high-critical hit' moves, it's not really worth going for unless you use Focus Energy beforehand. Try Aerial Ace instead. |
PP |
25 |
High-Critical hit ratio |
Psychic |
Forgets about something and sharply raises Sp.Def. |
Power |
--- |
Accuracy |
100 | The day this move actually makes you forget something, is the day it will no longer be used. A good move for protection against special attacks. If you can, go for Calm Mind to boost Sp Attack as well, but this is still a good move for tanks. |
PP |
20 |
Increase special defense by 2 stages |
Rock |
An attack that may raise all stats. |
Power |
60 |
Accuracy |
100 | Very low PP, but it's alright none the less. Also great if you manange to get the stat boost. |
PP |
5 |
Increase attack, defense, sp.atk, sp.def, speed by 1 stage (10%) |
Fighting |
Straight-arm punches that strike the foe 2 to 5 times. |
Power |
15 |
Accuracy |
100 | Just another Fury Attack move, only it's a fighting type. Leave it, choose something else. |
PP |
20 |
Hits foe 2-5 times in succession |
Grass |
Heals all status problems with a soothing scent. |
Power |
--- |
Accuracy |
100 | Comes in handy when your team is inflicting with a status condition. This moves cures Sleep, Poison, Burn, Freeze and Paralysis conditions for all allies. |
PP |
5 |
Cures team conditions |
Normal |
Attacks randomly with one of the partner's moves. |
Power |
--- |
Accuracy |
100 | Uses any move from any of your party members in single battle, and uses one of the partner's moves in double battle. Useless if the Pokémon using it doesn't have any teammates. |
PP |
20 |
Randomly use any team members moves |
Ghost |
An attack that may shock the foe into flinching. |
Power |
30 |
Accuracy |
100 | A weak ghost move. Leave it for Shadow Ball or even Shadow Punch. |
PP |
15 |
Flinching (30%) |
Normal |
Makes the opposite gender less likely to attack. |
Power |
--- |
Accuracy |
100 | Can be used to really annoy the opponent. Works similair to confusion, only the foe doesn't hurt itself, and attraction doesn't go away unless the user faints, or the foe is switched. Use with confusion and paralysis to really get the foe mad! :P Unfortunatly, Pokémon without a gender are immune to this. |
PP |
15 |
Causes attraction |
Ice |
Fires a rainbow-coloured beam that may lower attack. |
Power |
65 |
Accuracy |
100 | Unless you really, really need an ice type move with a low chance of lowering attack, go for Ice Beam. |
PP |
20 |
Decrease foe's attack by one stage (10%) |
Normal |
Hurls round objects at the foe 2 to 5 times. |
Power |
15 |
Accuracy |
85 | Must I really say it? Use something else. |
PP |
20 |
Hits 2 to 5 times in succession. |
Psychic |
Creates a barrier that sharply raises Defense. |
Power |
--- |
Accuracy |
100 | Another nice defense boosting move. |
PP |
30 |
Raises defense by 2 stages |
Normal |
Switches out the user while keeping effects in play. |
Power |
--- |
Accuracy |
100 | A great move this. This transfers hidden statuses such as confusion, and all stat increases/decreases. Transfers trapping moves too, and allows a switch while trapped. This doesn't transfer the stats across, so Baton Passing from a max attack Scizor will not give Weedle its attack, but adjust Weedle's attack as though its attack was boosted. It's the stages that are transfered. Eg- use Swords Dance with Ninjask. Attack is at stage 2, and Speed is stage 1 (due to it's Speed Boost ability). Baton Pass to someone, and it's like they boosted their stats. |
PP |
40 |
Transfer effects |
Dark |
Summons party Pokémon to join in the attack. |
Power |
10 |
Accuracy |
100 | Not a good move really. For some reason, this seems to be based off the Attack stat, despite being the dark type. Each Pokémon appears, doing an attack with the power of 10 to the foe. Just use Faint Attack instead. |
PP |
10 |
Summons party to attack |
Normal |
Maximizes attack while sacrificing HP |
Power |
--- |
Accuracy |
100 | Takes half your total HP, and gives you max attack. As long as you're using someone fast and can take a good hit, you'll be right. |
PP |
10 |
Max attack and take half HP |
Normal |
endures attacks for 2 turns to retaliate double. |
Power |
--- |
Accuracy |
100 | Don't use it! If you do, the foe will probably just power up and not attack, or attack enough to KO you before you do anything. |
PP |
10 |
Return double damage |
Normal |
Binds a squeezes the foe for 2 to 5 turns. |
Power |
15 |
Accuracy |
75 | A low accuracy temporary trapping move. Only use if you must trap the foe and can't have Mean Look or Spider Web. |
PP |
20 |
Traps foe |
Dark |
Bites with vicious fangs. May cause flinching. |
Power |
60 |
Accuracy |
100 | Not a bad move. Decent power and good chance of flinching the foe, plus 25 PP. |
PP |
25 |
Flinching (30%) |
Fire |
Powerful, but leaves the user immobile the next turn. |
Power |
150 |
Accuracy |
100 | Just a fire type Hyper Beam, only known to Charizard. Use Flamethrower instead. |
PP |
5 |
Recharge after use |
Fire |
A kick with a high critical-hit ratio. May cause a burn. |
Power |
85 |
Accuracy |
90 | Blaziken is the sole owner of this move. Have this if you're going for critical hits with Focus Energy, or switch for Flamethrower for anything else for higher power, PP and accuracy. |
PP |
10 |
High critial hit ratio and burn (10%) |
Ice |
Hits the foe with an icy storm that may freeze it. |
Power |
120 |
Accuracy |
70 | Look at that power! Look at that accuracy... Skip this for Ice Beam unless you really want an ice type to hit 2 foes. Does have a good chance for freezing though. |
PP |
5 |
Freeze (30%) |
Normal |
Blocks the foe's way to prevent escape. |
Power |
--- |
Accuracy |
100 | Another Mean Look. |
PP |
5 |
Traps foe |
Normal |
A full-body slam that may cause paralysis. |
Power |
85 |
Accuracy |
100 | Go for Return unless you want to cause paralysis. |
PP |
15 |
Paralysis (30%) |
Ground |
Clubs the foe with a bone. May cause flinching. |
Power |
65 |
Accuracy |
85 | Low accuracy for its lower power. Go for Earthquake instead. |
PP |
10 |
Flinching (30%) |
Ground |
Strikes the foe with a bone in hand 2 to 5 times. |
Power |
25 |
Accuracy |
80 | Pretty good power rating for a multi hit move. Good against Pokémon using Substitute. If you just want power, try Earthquake instead. |
PP |
10 |
Hits 2 to 5 times in succession |
Ground |
Throws a bone boomerang that strikes twice. |
Power |
50 |
Accuracy |
90 | If you can, go for Earthquake. Same power and better accuracy, plus double damamge to diggers. Cubone and Marowak are lucky to have 3 moves all to themselves! Could be useful against Substituters. |
PP |
10 |
Always hits twice |
Flying |
Bounces up then down the next turn. May paralyze. |
Power |
85 |
Accuracy |
85 | Go with Aerial Ace instead. Lower power, but great accuracy, much more PP and doesn't need a turn to bounce. Choose this if you really need the paralysis. |
PP |
5 |
Hits on second turn |
Flying |
Destroys barriers such as Reflect and causes damage. |
Power |
75 |
Accuracy |
100 | An excellent fighting move. Good power, decent PP and 100% accuracy, coupled with the ability to take down Light Screen and Reflect. |
PP |
15 |
Destroy damage halfing barriers |
Water |
An attack using bubbles. May lower the foe's speed. |
Power |
20 |
Accuracy |
100 | You're kidding right? You're not seriously going with this move? Hits both opponents, with the almighty power of 10! Choose Surf. |
PP |
30 |
Lower foe's speed (10%) |
Water |
Forcefully sprays bubbles that may lower speed. |
Power |
65 |
Accuracy |
100 | Somehow bubbles can hurt you! At least this one's a beam though. Waterfall if you need to hit only one foe for 2 on 2, otherwise try Surf if you can. |
PP |
20 |
Lower foe's speed (10%) |
Fighting |
Bulks up the body to boost both attack and defense. |
Power |
--- |
Accuracy |
100 | A nice technique that raises Attack and Defense without the drop in speed that Curse has. Very useful on physical sweepers. |
PP |
20 |
Raises Attack and Defense |
Grass |
Shoots 2 to 5 seeds in a row to strike the foe. |
Power |
10 |
Accuracy |
100 | Who even though of this move! And who's the bright one who made it a TM!? This is a pathetic move, don't bother. Here's a few instead: Giga Drain, Leaf Blade, Solarbeam to name a few. |
PP |
30 |
Hits 2 to 5 times in succession |
Psychic |
Raises Sp.Atk and Sp.Def by focusing the mind. |
Power |
--- |
Accuracy |
100 | Just like Bulk Up, except this deals with the special stats. Excellent move for special sweepers. |
PP |
20 |
Raise Sp.Atk and Sp.Def |
Normal |
Alters the Pokémon's type depending on the location. |
Power |
--- |
Accuracy |
100 | Or, in other words, it changes your type to normal (during link battles). Only Staryu can learn this move, so it's either stay with Water (Psychic), or go with Normal and use a move slot. Mmm... |
PP |
20 |
Change type depending on location |
Electric |
Charges power to boost the electric move used next. |
Power |
--- |
Accuracy |
100 | Either have double the strength next turn, or do the same damage by using the same attack, and have a higher possibility of paralysing. Some may say it's only a 1.5x increase, but it appears double to me. Check for yourself on this one, if you want the move. |
PP |
20 |
Powers next electric attack |
Normal |
Charms the foe and sharply reduces its attack. |
Power |
--- |
Accuracy |
100 | May have it uses, but you might be better off just putting up your own defenses with something like Barrier instead. |
PP |
20 |
Sharply lower's foe's attack |
Water |
Traps and squeezes the foe for 2 to 5 turns. |
Power |
35 |
Accuracy |
75 | The most powerful trapping move in the game. Too bad its accuracy isn't as great. Don't try and use this as a replacement for other water moves though. |
PP |
10 |
Traps foe |
Normal |
Repeatedly punches the foe 2 to 5 times. |
Power |
18 |
Accuracy |
85 | Not sure why it has the unusual power of 18. Rare for it not to be devisable by 5. Anyway, go for another normal attack, like Body Slam or Return, depending on your needs. |
PP |
150 |
Hits 2 to 5 times in succession |
Ghost |
A sinister ray that confuses the foe. |
Power |
--- |
Accuracy |
100 | The best confusing causing technique in the game. Hits every time, and its PP ain't bad either. |
PP |
10 |
Confuses foe. |
Psychic |
A psychic attack that may cause confusion. |
Power |
50 |
Accuracy |
100 | Go for Psychic instead. |
PP |
25 |
Causes confusion (10%) |
Normal |
Constricts to inflict pain. May lower speed. |
Power |
10 |
Accuracy |
100 | Feel the power of 10! Leave this alone. Use Body Slam if you need to slow the opponent, Return for pure damage. |
PP |
35 |
Lower foe's speed (10%) |
Normal |
Changes the user's type into an own move's type. |
Power |
--- |
Accuracy |
100 | Not many uses. When you use it, it changes randomly to another type matching one of your moves. If you've only got normal moves, this becomes useless. If you've only got 2 types in your moveset, then using this will switch between them. |
PP |
30 |
Alters user's type |
Normal |
Makes the user resistant to the last attack's type. |
Power |
--- |
Accuracy |
100 | Possibly more useful than Conversion, but it could also become your downfall. |
PP |
30 |
Alters user's type |
Psychic |
Raises Defense and Sp.Def with a mystic power. |
Power |
--- |
Accuracy |
100 | An excellent move for tanks! Powering both defenses with one attack is definately a plus, and allows your tank to do more. A great technique! |
PP |
20 |
Raise Def and Sp.Def |
Normal |
Spores cling to the foe, sharply reducing speed. |
Power |
--- |
Accuracy |
85 | Go with Agility instead if possible. Only use if you can't increase your own speed and your moveset depends on being faster. Also try Thunder Wave |
PP |
40 |
Sharply lower foe's speed |
Fighting |
Retaliates any physical hit with double the power. |
Power |
--- |
Accuracy |
100 | If you can take a hit, and you know the opponent will most likely be using a physical attack, then use this. You can catch some off guard using this, and even turn the tides in a battle. |
PP |
20 |
Return double damage |
Normal |
Cutely begs to obtain an item held by the foe. |
Power |
40 |
Accuracy |
100 | Much better than Thief due to PP, but looses due to not hitting Ghosts. If your looking for items in the wild, Covet is the way to go. |
PP |
40 |
Steal foe's item |
Water |
Hammers with a pincer. Has a high critical-hit ratio. |
Power |
90 |
Accuracy |
85 | Not enough critical hits to save itself. Choose Surf over this - better accuracy and slightly stronger, plus more PP. |
PP |
10 |
High critical hit ratio |
Fighting |
A double-chopping attack. High critical-hit ratio. |
Power |
100 |
Accuracy |
80 | A fairly good fighting attack. Good power, accuracy a bit low though, and very low PP. Depending on the situation, Brick Break could be of a lot more use. |
PP |
5 |
High critial hit ratio |
Dark |
Crunches with sharp fangs. May lower Sp.Def. |
Power |
80 |
Accuracy |
100 | The strongest Dark move. The chance of lowering the foe's Sp.Def is a bonus. Try Bite if you prefer flinching, otherwise stick with Crunch. |
PP |
15 |
Lower foe's Sp.Def (20%) |
Normal |
Tears at the foe with sharp claws. May lower defense. |
Power |
75 |
Accuracy |
95 | Signature move of Zangoose. Unless you really want that defense lowered, go with Return. In fact, try Swords Dance to boost your attack instead of lowering the foe's defense. |
PP |
10 |
Lower foe's defense (50%) |
??? |
A move that functions differently foe ghosts. |
Power |
--- |
Accuracy |
100 | Useful for slow Pokémon- Raises Attack and Defense at the expense of Speed. Use Bulk Up instead if you can. For ghosts, this will take half the user's total HP and places the Curse condition on the foe, reducing their HP by 1/4 total HP each turn. |
PP |
10 |
Varies |
Normal |
Cuts the foe with sharp scythes, claws, etc. |
Power |
50 |
Accuracy |
95 | Only use this for cutting trees, not as an attack. Use Return instead. |
PP |
30 |
HM- Cut trees |
Crobat1 - Helped find a good number of mistakes in the guide before it was even completed! I thank him for that!
K. Robinson - Grasswistle accuracy, and Meteor Mash PP
Super Cloud, GBolys07 - FrLg Starters elemental Hyper Beam info
Nintendo and Gamefreak for creating the Pokemon series, an excellent RPG!
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