Attack Guide - S
Click on a letter to view those attacks:
Fire |
A mystical fire attack that may inflict a burn. |
Power |
100 |
Accuracy |
95 | Trademark move of Ho-oh, and it ain't half bad! Nice power, and the chance to burn at an excellent 50%. Only the PP hurts it, but a Leppa Berry and some PP-UP can fix that. |
PP |
5 |
Burn (50%) |
Normal |
A mystical force prevents all status problems. |
Power |
- |
Accuracy |
100 | Lasting for 5 turns, this will stop ALL status effects from foes, so it won't help you stay awake when using Rest. |
PP |
25 |
Prevents Status conditions |
Rock |
Traps and hurts the foe in quicksand for 2 to 5 turns. |
Power |
15 |
Accuracy |
70 | Low accuracy hurts this moves use. |
PP |
15 |
Trap foe |
Ground |
Reduces the foe's accuracy by hurling sand in its face. |
Power |
- |
Accuracy |
100 | Commonly learnt by low levels, could actually be of use depending on how it's used. |
PP |
15 |
Lower foe's accuracy |
Rcok |
Causes a sandstorm that rages for serveral turns. |
Power |
- |
Accuracy |
100 | Hurts anyone by 1/16 of their total HP unless they are a rock, ground or steel type, or have the ability Sand Viel. Lasts for 5 turns. |
PP |
10 |
Creates a sandstorm. |
Normal |
Frightens with scary face to sharply reduce speed. |
Power |
- |
Accuracy |
90 | If you want to be faster, try Thunder Wave or another paralysing move instead, then they may not attack. Or try agility, and stay faster after you defeat your opponent. |
PP |
10 |
Sharply lower foe's speed |
Normal |
Scratches the foe with sharp claws. |
Power |
40 |
Accuracy |
100 | A simple attack for low level Pokémon, standard like Tackle. |
PP |
35 |
Normal |
Emits a screech to sharply reduce the foe's defense. |
Power |
- |
Accuracy |
85 | Better off increasing your own attack for more damage, but some Pokémon are just unable to do that, and that's where Screech comes in. Can become deadly with Confuse Ray! |
PP |
40 |
Sharply foe's defense |
Normal |
An attack with effects that vary by location. |
Power |
70 |
Accuracy |
100 |
Causes Paralysis during link battles.
PP |
20 |
Effect based on location (30%) |
Fighting |
Inflicts damage identical to the user's level. |
Power |
- |
Accuracy |
100 | Makes for an excellent attack for Pokémon with very low attack, this always deals damage equal to the user's level. |
PP |
20 |
Damage = level |
Normal |
Inflicts severe damage but makes the user faint. |
Power |
200 |
Accuracy |
100 | The lesser version of Explosion, some can only make do with this, but most can upgrade to Explosion later on. Hits everyone on field, and makes user faint. |
PP |
5 |
User faints |
Ghost |
Hurls a black blob that may lower the foe's Sp.Def. |
Power |
80 |
Accuracy |
100 | The strongest ghost attack in the game, this is usually equiped to a ghost type with decent attack power. |
PP |
15 |
Lower's foe Sp.Def (20%) |
Ghost |
An unavoidable punch that is thrown from shadows. |
Power |
60 |
Accuracy |
100 | Very few learn this ghost version of Swift. |
PP |
20 |
Never miss |
Normal |
Reduces the polygon count and raises Attack. |
Power |
- |
Accuracy |
100 | As the description implies, this is a attack that only Porygon learns. Raises attack by 1 stage. |
PP |
30 |
Raise attack |
Ice |
A chilling attack that causes fainting if it hits. |
Power |
- |
Accuracy |
30 | If it wasn't for this, Gengar would be immune to all one hit moves, without needing the ability to stop them. I see this commonly on Kyogre movesets. |
PP |
5 |
One hit KO |
Electric |
A fast and unavoidable electric attack. |
Power |
60 |
Accuracy |
100 | The electric Swift. Seems like there's suppossed to be a version for each type. |
PP |
20 |
Never miss |
Bug |
A strange beam attack that may confuse the foe. |
Power |
75 |
Accuracy |
100 | One of the few bug attacks with power! Too bad very few learn it. |
PP |
15 |
Confusion (10%) |
Bug |
A powdery attack that may raise abilities. |
Power |
60 |
Accuracy |
100 | Think Anceintpower, except it's bug, and you've got Silver Wind. |
PP |
5 |
Raise all main stats (10%) |
Normal |
A soothing song lulls the foe into a deep slumber. |
Power |
- |
Accuracy |
55 | Nowhere near as useful as other sleep inducing moves with better accuracy. The show makes this move look too good, when in fact, it's just a gamble to use. |
PP |
15 |
Sleep |
Normal |
Copies the foe's last move permanently. |
Power |
- |
Accuracy |
100 | That's right, it'll have whatever move was sketched until you overwrite it again or delete it. Makes Smeargle very versatile, but Smeargle's lack of any good stats really hurt it there. |
PP |
1 |
Copy moves |
Psychic |
The user swaps special abilities with the target. |
Power |
- |
Accuracy |
100 | Can be an excellent move, depending on the situation. More so in 2vs2. Often used with Slaking to remove its Traunt ability, making a downright difficult situation for whoever's got to face that monster! |
PP |
10 |
Swap skills |
Normal |
Tucks in the head, then attacks on the next turn. |
Power |
100 |
Accuracy |
100 | Also raises Defense on the first turn, and attacks on the 2nd, basically allowing you to get 2 moves in one slot! |
PP |
15 |
Raise defense, attack 2nd turn |
Flying |
Searches out weak spots, then strikes the next turn. |
Power |
140 |
Accuracy |
100 | Very powerful, only let down by the fact the user is a sitting duck on the first turn. |
PP |
5 |
Attacks 2nd turn |
Fighting |
An uppercut thrown as if leaping into the sky. |
Power |
85 |
Accuracy |
100 | Same as Hi Jump Kick, without the hurting self when miss, and this also hits flyers. |
PP |
15 |
Hits flying/bouncing Pokémon |
Normal |
Slacks off and restores half the maximum HP. |
Power |
- |
Accuracy |
100 | A recovery move for Vigoroth and Slaking. Works just the same as Recover. |
PP |
10 |
Restore half max HP |
Normal |
Slams the foe with a long tail, vine, etc. |
Power |
80 |
Accuracy |
75 | Don't even bother trying to use this, use Return. The accuracy is just way too low to use this instead. |
PP |
20 |
Normal |
Slashes with claws, etc. Has a high critical-hit ratio. |
Power |
70 |
Accuracy |
100 | A move best coupled with Focus Energy and a Scope Lens. |
PP |
20 |
High critical-hit ratio |
Grass |
Scatters a powder that may cause the foe to sleep. |
Power |
- |
Accuracy |
75 | A good sleep inducing move, very common to grass types. |
PP |
15 |
Sleep |
Normal |
Uses an own move randomly while asleep. |
Power |
- |
Accuracy |
100 | Only usuable while asleep, there is no control over what move is chosen, except it won't be Sleep Talk. :P |
PP |
10 |
Choose a known move at random while sleeping |
Poison |
Sludge is hurled to inflict damage. May also Poison. |
Power |
65 |
Accuracy |
100 | A light poison type attack with a good chance of poisoning. |
PP |
20 |
Poison (30%) |
Poison |
Sludge is hurled to inflict damage. May also poison. |
Power |
90 |
Accuracy |
100 | A powerful poison attack, with good chance of poisoning. |
PP |
10 |
Poison (30%) |
Normal |
Powerful against paralyzed foes, but also heals them. |
Power |
60 |
Accuracy |
100 | Usually when you paralyze a foe, you'd want to keep it that way. A light attack on its own, Smellingsalt doubles in power to 120 when the foe is paralyzed. Try Return for a constant 102 power. |
PP |
10 |
Strong against paralyzed, but heals them |
Poison |
An exhaust-gas attack that may also poison. |
Power |
20 |
Accuracy |
70 | A very weak and rather pathetic poison attack. |
PP |
20 |
Poison (40%) |
Normal |
Lowers the foe's accuracy using smoke, ink, etc. |
Power |
- |
Accuracy |
100 | Lowers target's accuracy by one stage. |
PP |
20 |
Lower foe's accuracy |
Dark |
Steals the effects of the move the foe uses next. |
Power |
- |
Accuracy |
100 | User uses Snatch, Foe uses Confuse Ray, user Snatches Confuse Ray, and uses it on one that was going to use it. Thought it'll be easier just to give an example of this move. |
PP |
10 |
Steals non-damaging moves |
Normal |
A loud attack that can be used only while asleep. |
Power |
40 |
Accuracy |
100 | Not many times you'd want to use this, and it'll most likely be with Rest. I barely ever see anyone use this attack. |
PP |
15 |
Useable only while sleeping |
Normal |
Recovers up to half the user's maximum HP. |
Power |
- |
Accuracy |
100 | Another healing move, this time for Chansey. Also the only recovery move other than Rest for Mew, and then you can only teach it using a tutor from Leaf Green or Fire Red. |
PP |
10 |
Recover half HP |
Grass |
Absorbs light in one turn, then attacks next turn. |
Power |
120 |
Accuracy |
100 | The most used grass attack, when coupled with Sunny Day, it no longer requires the charging turn so you can proceed to attack every turn! |
PP |
10 |
Attack 2nd turn |
Normal |
Launches shock waves that always inflict 20HP damage. |
Power |
- |
Accuracy |
90 | Only ever deals 20 damage, making it an extremely weak attack. Don't even think about using it, especially on Blissey! |
PP |
20 |
Only deals 20 damage |
Electric |
An electrified tackle that may paralyze the foe. |
Power |
65 |
Accuracy |
100 | Just another electric attack for learning in between Thundershock and Thunderbolt. Has a higher chance than usual for paralysis. |
PP |
20 |
Paralysis (30%) |
Bug |
Ensnares the foe to stop it from fleeing or switching. |
Power |
- |
Accuracy |
100 | Traps the foe, can be Baton Passed. |
PP |
5 |
Trap foe |
Normal |
Launches sharp spikes that strike 2 to 5 times. |
Power |
20 |
Accuracy |
100 | Can reach upto a total power of 100, but how often is that gonna be? You're better off using a fixed power attack. |
PP |
20 |
Hits 2 to 5 times in succession |
Ground |
Sets spikes that hurt a foe switching out. |
Power |
- |
Accuracy |
100 | A one of a kind move, this sets spikes on the field so any Pokémon that's affected by ground attacks will get hurt depending how many times it's been used. 1/8th HP after one use, 3/16ths HP after two, and 1/4 HP after 3 uses, the maximum. Spikes are laid and effect both foes in 2vs2, and spikes can be blown away by Rapid Spin. |
PP |
20 |
Lay spikes |
Normal |
Releases stockpiled power (the more the better). |
Power |
? |
Accuracy |
100 | Only works with Stockpile, this move uses the power stored to attack the foe, increasing in power with the more power stored. |
PP |
10 |
Release stockpile |
Ghost |
Spitefully cuts the PP of the foe's last move. |
Power |
- |
Accuracy |
100 | Takes 1 to 5 PP from the last move the target used, but fails if they're protecting, can't be hit, or if trying to use it a second time in a row. |
PP |
10 |
Cuts foe's PP |
Normal |
It's just a splash.. Has no effect whatsoever. |
Power |
- |
Accuracy |
- | 40 PP to do nothing... |
PP |
40 |
Grass |
Scatters a cloud of spores that always induce sleep. |
Power |
- |
Accuracy |
100 | The perfect sleep inducing move. Learnt by very few. |
PP |
15 |
Sleep |
Steel |
Strikes the foe with hard wings spread wide. |
Power |
70 |
Accuracy |
90 | A nice steel move, that has decent accuracy for once! Nice PP count. |
PP |
25 |
Raises Defense (10%) |
Normal |
Charges up power for up to 3 turns. |
Power |
- |
Accuracy |
100 | Only useful with Spit Up and Swallow. |
PP |
10 |
Charge power for Spit Up or Swallow |
Normal |
Stomps the enemy with a big foot. May cause flinching. |
Power |
65 |
Accuracy |
100 | A light attack with a good chance of flinching. Power doubles when used on a foe that's used Minimize. |
PP |
20 |
Flinching (30%) |
Normal |
Builds enourmous power, then slams the foe. |
Power |
80 |
Accuracy |
100 | My choice of move over Return if I'm gonna be moving a Pokémon around a lot. |
PP |
15 |
Normal |
Binds the foe with string to reduce its Speed. |
Power |
- |
Accuracy |
95 | Reduces foe's Speed by 1 stage. Also hits both opponents in 2vs2 matches. |
PP |
40 |
Reduce foe's speed |
Normal |
Used only if all PP are gone. Also hurts the user a little. |
Power |
50 |
Accuracy |
100 | Nobody learns it, yet everybody has it. It's the move used once all PP has been depleted. Also it's actually a typeless attack, meaning types are not considered, so it'll it ghost and rock types with the same power |
PP |
∞ |
Typeless damage |
Grass |
Scatters a powder that may paralyze the foe. |
Power |
- |
Accuracy |
75 | Though most prefer Sleep Powder, this can be useful when certain rules are in effect, allowing only 1 Pokémon a side to be sleeping. Also, Stun Spore's effect doesn't wear out after a while. |
PP |
15 |
Paralysis |
Fighting |
A reckless body slam that also hurts the user. |
Power |
80 |
Accuracy |
80 | Too inaccurate for my liking. Recoil doesn't help either. Try Brick Break. Buyable TM in FrLg, only 5 less power, 100% accuracy, and breaks screens. |
PP |
25 |
Recoil |
Normal |
Creates a decoy using 1/4 of the user's maximum HP. |
Power |
- |
Accuracy |
100 | A move commonly paired with Focus Punch. The substitute that gets created has all your current stats, and 1/4 of your total HP. It stops your Pokémon from getting hit or inflicted by a status condition. |
PP |
10 |
Create a substitute |
Fire |
Boosts the power of fire-type moves for 5 turns. |
Power |
- |
Accuracy |
100 | Boosts fire moves by 50%, reduces water attacks by 50%, Solarbeam doesn't need to charge anymore, and Synthesis, Morning Sun and Moonlight restore 3/4 of your total HP. |
PP |
5 |
Sunny weather |
Normal |
Attacks with sharp fangs and cuts half the foe's HP. |
Power |
- |
Accuracy |
90 | Exclusive to Ratatta and Raticate, this will half whatever remaining HP the target has. Best used when the battle starts. |
PP |
10 |
Half targets HP |
Fighting |
Boosts strength sharply, but lowers abilities. |
Power |
120 |
Accuracy |
100 | It may be powerful, but it will lower your Attack and Defense by 1 stage each after using. |
PP |
5 |
Lower user's Atk, Def |
Normal |
Emits bizarre sound waves that may confuse the foe. |
Power |
- |
Accuracy |
55 | Very low accuracy for a confusion technique. Use Swagger or Confuse Ray instead. |
PP |
20 |
Confuse target |
Water |
Creates a huge wave, then crashes it down on the foe. |
Power |
95 |
Accuracy |
100 | Standard on all water Pokémon in 1vs1 games, but for 2vs2, you may want to use Waterfall to hit just one target. Hits Pokémon using Dive and hits both foes in 2vs2. |
PP |
15 |
Hits divers |
Normal |
Confuses the foe. But also sharply raises Attack. |
Power |
- |
Accuracy |
90 | Yep, it raises their Attack power, by 2 stages. They'll hurt themselves more, but you'll know it when they get a physical attack out... |
PP |
15 |
Confuse and raise attack of target |
Normal |
Absorbs stockpiled power and restores HP. |
Power |
- |
Accuracy |
100 | Only useable with Stockpile, this is the alternative to Spitup, restoring your HP instead of attacking the foe. |
PP |
10 |
Restore HP |
Normal |
Demands a kiss with a cute look. May cause confusion. |
Power |
- |
Accuracy |
75 | Still got decent accuracy for a status inflictor. Usually found on 'cute' Pokémon like Cleffa and Pichu. |
PP |
10 |
Confusion |
Normal |
Allures the foe to reduce evasiveness. |
Power |
- |
Accuracy |
100 | There aren't many times when you'd use this, but it can be helpful when trying to make an inaccurate hit a little more. Hits both foe's in 2vs2. |
PP |
20 |
Lower foe's evasiveness |
Normal |
Sprays star-shaped rays that never miss. |
Power |
60 |
Accuracy |
100 | The original Swift! This was the only move capably of always hitting in RBY, and now there are several versions of it, such as Faint Attack and Shock Wave, to name a few. Swift hits both foe's in 2vs2. |
PP |
20 |
Never miss |
Normal |
A fighting dance that sharply raises attack. |
Power |
- |
Accuracy |
100 | An excellent move, this raises your attack power by 2 stages! And unlike Tail Glow, this is learn by good number of Pokémon, being that it's also a Move Tutor in FrLg. |
PP |
30 |
Sharply raise user's attack |
Grass |
Restores HP. The amount varies with the weather. |
Power |
- |
Accuracy |
100 | Restores 1/4 total HP in rain, hail and a sandstorm, 1/2 in normal weather, and 3/4 in strong sunlight. |
PP |
5 |
Restore HP |
Crobat1 - Helped find a good number of mistakes in the guide before it was even completed! I thank him for that!
K. Robinson - Grasswistle accuracy, and Meteor Mash PP
Super Cloud, GBolys07 - FrLg Starters elemental Hyper Beam info
Nintendo and Gamefreak for creating the Pokemon series, an excellent RPG!
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