Attack Guide - T-Z
Click on a letter to view those attacks:
Normal |
Charges the foe with a full-body tackle. |
Power |
35 |
Accuracy |
95 | A standard attack on very low level Pokémon. |
PP |
35 |
Bug |
Flashses a light that sharply raises Sp.Atk. |
Power |
- |
Accuracy |
100 | The only move that raises Sp.Atk by 2 stages, and it's only learnt by Volbeat. At least it can still be Baton Passed. |
PP |
20 |
Sharply raise user's Sp.Atk |
Normal |
Wags the tail to lower the foe's defense. |
Power |
- |
Accuracy |
100 | A move often learnt at low levels, can become useful later on in 2vs2 matches, as it will lower the Defense of both foes. |
PP |
30 |
Lower foe's Defense |
Normal |
A reckless charge attack that also hurts the user. |
Power |
90 |
Accuracy |
85 | Use Return - same PP, more power, better accuracy and no recoil. |
PP |
20 |
Recoil |
Dark |
Taunts the foe into only using attack moves. |
Power |
- |
Accuracy |
100 | Most useful against tanks because of their low attack power, this moves causes the foe to only use moves that directly cause damage. |
PP |
10 |
Makes foe attack |
Normal |
Confuses all Pokémon on the scene. |
Power |
- |
Accuracy |
100 | When using in 2vs2, either have a partner with Own Tempo, a Safeguard up or is holding a Persim Berry, otherwise they'll get confused too. Confuses all but user in 2vs2. |
PP |
20 |
Confuses all |
Normal |
A psychic move for fleeing from battle instantly. |
Power |
- |
Accuracy |
100 | Useless except against wild Pokémon and on the field, where you'll return to the last Pokémon Centre visited. |
PP |
20 |
Run from wild |
Dark |
While attacking, it may steal the foe's held item. |
Power |
40 |
Accuracy |
100 | This will always work (except in Trainer Tower on FrLg, or when the AI uses it on GBA) if the target is holding an item. Useful for acquiring items from wild Pokémon, but doesn't have the PP count of Covet. |
PP |
10 |
Steal target's item |
Normal |
A rampage of 2 to 3 turns that confuses the user. |
Power |
90 |
Accuracy |
100 | A move with decent power. Only problem is, it lasts for several turns then confuses you. |
PP |
20 |
Lasts 2-3 turns, then confuse user |
Electric |
A lightning attack that may cause paralysis. |
Power |
120 |
Accuracy |
70 | The first of the 'Thunder' attacks. Will always when used in rainy weather, and also hits flying targets. |
PP |
10 |
Paralysis (30%), hits flyers |
Electric |
A weak jolt of electricity that paralyzes the foe. |
Power |
- |
Accuracy |
100 | An excellent move for paralysing foes, but doesn't work against ground types. |
PP |
20 |
Paralysis |
Electric |
A strong electrical attack that may paralyze the foe. |
Power |
95 |
Accuracy |
100 | The standard electric attack, only swapped for Thunder when rain's involved. |
PP |
15 |
Paralysis (10%) |
Electric |
A electrified punch that may paralyze the foe. |
Power |
75 |
Accuracy |
100 | The choice for an electric attack when Thunderbolt can't be used. The same, but a little less power. |
PP |
15 |
Paralysis (10%) |
Electric |
An electrical attack that may paralyze the foe. |
Power |
40 |
Accuracy |
100 | The last of the 'Thunder' attacks, and also the weakest. Most electric Pokémon learn this as their first Electric attack. |
PP |
30 |
Paralysis (10%) |
Normal |
Makes the foe laugh to lower attack and defense. |
Power |
- |
Accuracy |
100 | A nice move that lowers the target's Attack and Defense each by 1 stage, making them deal less damage while you deal more. Not learnt by many though. |
PP |
20 |
Lower foe's Atk and Def |
Dark |
Torments the foe and stops successive use of a move. |
Power |
- |
Accuracy |
100 | Once this is used, the target cannot use the same move twice in a row, even if it's got to Struggle to do it. Only way to get rid of this effect is to switch out. |
PP |
15 |
Stops successive use of attacks |
Poison |
Poisons the foe with an intensifying toxin. |
Power |
- |
Accuracy |
75 | This is the killer version of the poison! While a Pokémon could use Recover and restore HP while losing it, this will eventually KO the foe anyway, as the damage inflicted is doubled each round until the poisoned Pokémon faints. Very deadly. Using with Protect or Double Team can help the toxin kick in. |
PP |
10 |
Badly poisons foe |
Normal |
Alters the user's cells to become a copy of the foe. |
Power |
- |
Accuracy |
100 | Only learnt by Ditto and Mew, and can't be Sketched by Smeargle either, this move will make the user turn into the target, including the partner if desired in 2vs2 matches. Each move after the transformation will be given 5PP. |
PP |
10 |
Transform into target |
Normal |
Fires three types of beams at the same time. |
Power |
80 |
Accuracy |
100 | A decently powered attack, with the chance of dealing one of three status effects. |
PP |
10 |
Burn, freeze or paralyze the target (10%) |
Psychic |
Tricks the foe into trading held items. |
Power |
- |
Accuracy |
100 | The most common use for this is switching items with the foe while holding a Choice Band, causing them to use the same attack, over and over. Other items can be useful too, like Macho Brace which halfs speed. |
PP |
10 |
Swap items with target |
Fighting |
Kicks the foe 3 times in a row with rising intensity. |
Power |
10 |
Accuracy |
90 | You may be thinking, 10 power? But the power doubles each hit > 10 - 20 - 40, making the attack have an overall power of 80, but only if it hits 3 times. Better off going with Brick Break |
PP |
10 |
Hits 1 to 3 times in succession |
Bug |
Stingers on the forelegs jab the foe twice. |
Power |
25 |
Accuracy |
100 | A bug move with a power of 50, learnt only by Beedrill. |
PP |
20 |
Poison (20%) |
Dragon |
Whips up a vicious twister to tear at the foe. |
Power |
40 |
Accuracy |
100 | One of the weaker Dragon type attacks, but this will hit both enemies and hurt flying Pokémon too. |
PP |
20 |
Flinch (20%) |
Normal |
Causes an uproar for 2 to 5 turns and prevents sleep. |
Power |
50 |
Accuracy |
100 | Will also wake up anyone sleeping, this could be handy in 2vs2. You're partner Rests, then you use Uproar and get them up on their feet once again. Rest will always fail, as will other sleeping techniques, while this attack is being used. |
PP |
10 |
Attacks for 2 to 5 turns, and prevents sleep |
Normal |
Grips the foe with large and powerful pincers. |
Power |
55 |
Accuracy |
100 | Just an attack instead of Tackle for those who can learn it. |
PP |
30 |
Grass |
Stikes the foe with slender, whiplike vines. |
Power |
35 |
Accuracy |
100 | A very week grass attack, with very little HP and no extra effects. Use this at a high level, and the foe will be laughing at you, except possibly Swampert or Quagsire... |
PP |
10 |
Fighting |
Makes the user's move last, but it never misses. |
Power |
70 |
Accuracy |
100 | The fighting type Swift, except it's a little more powerful, and it goes last. |
PP |
10 |
Never miss |
Electric |
A life-risking tackle that slightly hurts the user. |
Power |
120 |
Accuracy |
100 | An electric type Double-Edge, this was the centre of all those rumors about a yellow version remake. Those have been shattered, but only one Pokémon on one version can learn this attack. Pichu from Emerald by breeding. And then you'll need a light ball. Good luck getting it! |
PP |
15 |
Recoil |
Water |
Squirts water to attack the foe. |
Power |
40 |
Accuracy |
100 | It's funny to watch Blastoise use this. Gets out those massive cannons just to squirt a few drops! Hehe! Even funnier when it OHKO's the opponent! BWAHAHAHA!!! Alright, this it just a water move supposed to be for the lower levels. Don't try it at L100... |
PP |
25 |
Water |
Attacks with ultrasonic waves. May confuse the foe. |
Power |
60 |
Accuracy |
100 | For some Pokémon, this is the only water attack they'll ever use, and it's not bad with a good chance of confusion. |
PP |
20 |
Confusion (20%) |
Water |
The user becomes soaked to raise resistance to fire. |
Power |
- |
Accuracy |
100 | There's just one problem with this move... It's learnt mostly by water types who are already resistant to fire. Good in contests though, but I wouldn't recommend its use in battle. |
PP |
15 |
Halfs damage taken from fire attacks |
Water |
Inflicts more damage if the user's HP is high. |
Power |
150 |
Accuracy |
100 | The amount of Kyogre's I see with this proves it's popular. 150 * 1.5 (STAB) * 1.5 (Rain) makes this an attack with the whopping power of 337! That's only at full HP though. With 1HP remaining, you're lucky to put a dent on the target's HP bar, even when it's Super Effective. |
PP |
5 |
Damage based on HP remaining |
Water |
Charges the foe with speed to climb waterfalls. |
Power |
80 |
Accuracy |
100 | While it's not quite as powerful as Surf, it does has it's use in 2vs2 matches since it only hits one foe. |
PP |
15 |
Normal (Changes) |
The move's type and power change with the weather. |
Power |
50 |
Accuracy |
100 | With the power doubling in weather, then adding STAB, this attack's power becomes 150 in sunshine, rain and hail, but doesn't get STAB in a sandstorm due to Castform not changing in that weather. |
PP |
10 |
Type changes with weather |
Water |
Traps and hurst the foe in a whirlpool for 2 to 5 turns. |
Power |
15 |
Accuracy |
70 | A water type Fire Spin, this will deal 1/16 HP each turn. |
PP |
15 |
Traps foe |
Normal |
Blows away the foe with wind and ends the battle. |
Power |
- |
Accuracy |
100 | In a trainer battle however, it will switch the target to another Pokémon, chosen by random unless the target has the Suction Caps ability. |
PP |
20 |
Switch foe |
Fire |
Inflicts a burn on the foe with intense fire. |
Power |
- |
Accuracy |
75 | The ONLY move in Pokémon that just causes a burn, it has been found to be useful especially on those with low Defense, since the burn condition reduces Attack power. |
PP |
15 |
Burn |
Flying |
Strikes the foe with wings spread wide. |
Power |
60 |
Accuracy |
100 | I suggest this attack if you can't get Aerial Ace, same power, more PP, but just doesn't have the never miss factor. |
PP |
35 |
Normal |
A wish that restores HP. It takes time to work. |
Power |
- |
Accuracy |
100 | Restores HP and the end of the NEXT turn, this is very useful for restoring another Pokémon's HP. If restoring the user's HP, try Protect on the second turn to save you taking more hits. |
PP |
10 |
Delayed 1/2 HP restore |
Water |
Withdraws the body into its hard shell to raise Defense. |
Power |
- |
Accuracy |
100 | Just a simple Defense raising attack mainly for Water types. Raises user's Defense by 1 stage. |
PP |
40 |
Raise user's Defense |
Normal |
Wraps and squeezes the foe 2 to 5 times with vines, etc. |
Power |
15 |
Accuracy |
85 | There aren't too many times where you might use this, but at least the accuracy's improved over Fire Spin and Whirlpool. Mean Look is still the choice for trapping moves. |
PP |
20 |
Traps foe |
Normal |
Lulls the foe into yawning, then sleeping next turn. |
Power |
- |
Accuracy |
100 | Another delayed move. This time it involves putting the foe to sleep. Often used to force the opponent to switch, and if they don't they fall asleep! Either way a free turn to you. |
PP |
10 |
Delayed sleep |
Electric |
Powerful and sure to cause paralysis, but inaccurate. |
Power |
100 |
Accuracy |
50 | 5 more power than Thunderbolt, but only 50% accurate? No thanks. The 100% paralysis is nice though. |
PP |
0 |
Paralyse (100%) |
Crobat1 - Helped find a good number of mistakes in the guide before it was even completed! I thank him for that!
K. Robinson - Grasswistle accuracy, and Meteor Mash PP
Super Cloud, GBolys07 - FrLg Starters elemental Hyper Beam info
Nintendo and Gamefreak for creating the Pokemon series, an excellent RPG!
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