Route 23
Pokemon Red
Pokemon | Levels | Method | Rarity |
Arbok | 41 | Walking in tall grass or a cave | 5% |
Ditto | 33-43 | Walking in tall grass or a cave | 35% |
Ekans | 26 | Walking in tall grass or a cave | 20% |
Fearow | 38-43 | Walking in tall grass or a cave | 25% |
Goldeen | 10 | Fishing with a Good Rod | 50% |
Kingler | 23 | Fishing with a Super Rod | 25% |
Magikarp | 5 | Fishing with an Old Rod | 100% |
Poliwag | 10 | Fishing with a Good Rod | 50% |
Seadra | 23 | Fishing with a Super Rod | 25% |
Seaking | 23 | Fishing with a Super Rod | 25% |
Slowbro | 23 | Fishing with a Super Rod | 25% |
Spearow | 26 | Walking in tall grass or a cave | 15% |
Pokemon Blue
Pokemon | Levels | Method | Rarity |
Ditto | 33-43 | Walking in tall grass or a cave | 35% |
Fearow | 38-43 | Walking in tall grass or a cave | 25% |
Goldeen | 10 | Fishing with a Good Rod | 50% |
Kingler | 23 | Fishing with a Super Rod | 25% |
Magikarp | 5 | Fishing with an Old Rod | 100% |
Poliwag | 10 | Fishing with a Good Rod | 50% |
Sandshrew | 26 | Walking in tall grass or a cave | 20% |
Sandslash | 41 | Walking in tall grass or a cave | 5% |
Seadra | 23 | Fishing with a Super Rod | 25% |
Seaking | 23 | Fishing with a Super Rod | 25% |
Slowbro | 23 | Fishing with a Super Rod | 25% |
Spearow | 26 | Walking in tall grass or a cave | 15% |
Pokemon Yellow
Pokemon | Levels | Method | Rarity |
Fearow | 40-45 | Walking in tall grass or a cave | 15% |
Goldeen | 10 | Fishing with a Good Rod | 50% |
Magikarp | 5 | Fishing with an Old Rod | 100% |
Mankey | 36-41 | Walking in tall grass or a cave | 20% |
Nidorina | 41-44 | Walking in tall grass or a cave | 30% |
Nidorino | 41-44 | Walking in tall grass or a cave | 30% |
Poliwag | 25-30 | Fishing with a Super Rod | 70% |
Poliwag | 10 | Fishing with a Good Rod | 50% |
Poliwhirl | 30-40 | Fishing with a Super Rod | 30% |
Primeape | 41-46 | Walking in tall grass or a cave | 5% |
Pokemon FireRed
Pokemon | Levels | Method | Rarity |
Arbok | 44 | Walking in tall grass or a cave | 5% |
Ekans | 32-34 | Walking in tall grass or a cave | 20% |
Fearow | 40-44 | Walking in tall grass or a cave | 25% |
Goldeen | 5-15 | Fishing with a Good Rod | 20% |
Gyarados | 15-25 | Fishing with a Super Rod | 15% |
Magikarp | 5-15 | Fishing with a Good Rod | 20% |
Magikarp | 5 | Fishing with an Old Rod | 100% |
Mankey | 32-34 | Walking in tall grass or a cave | 30% |
Poliwag | 5-15 | Fishing with a Good Rod | 60% |
Poliwag | 15-25 | Fishing with a Super Rod | 40% |
Poliwhirl | 20-30 | Fishing with a Super Rod | 40% |
Primeape | 42 | Walking in tall grass or a cave | 5% |
Psyduck | 20-40 | Surfing | 100% |
Psyduck | 15-35 | Fishing with a Super Rod | 5% |
Spearow | 32-34 | Walking in tall grass or a cave | 15% |
Pokemon LeafGreen
Pokemon | Levels | Method | Rarity |
Fearow | 40-44 | Walking in tall grass or a cave | 25% |
Goldeen | 5-15 | Fishing with a Good Rod | 20% |
Gyarados | 15-25 | Fishing with a Super Rod | 15% |
Magikarp | 5-15 | Fishing with a Good Rod | 20% |
Magikarp | 5 | Fishing with an Old Rod | 100% |
Mankey | 32-34 | Walking in tall grass or a cave | 30% |
Poliwag | 5-15 | Fishing with a Good Rod | 60% |
Poliwag | 15-25 | Fishing with a Super Rod | 40% |
Poliwhirl | 20-30 | Fishing with a Super Rod | 40% |
Primeape | 42 | Walking in tall grass or a cave | 5% |
Sandshrew | 32-34 | Walking in tall grass or a cave | 20% |
Sandslash | 44 | Walking in tall grass or a cave | 5% |
Slowpoke | 20-40 | Surfing | 100% |
Slowpoke | 15-35 | Fishing with a Super Rod | 5% |
Spearow | 32-34 | Walking in tall grass or a cave | 15% |